Insightful + Nmbrs Integration
Integrate Insightful with Nmbrs to speed up onboarding by syncing data such as email, full name, and job title.
Bring a new level of efficiency to your HR data management with automatic data syncing into Insightful. Integration will enrich Insightful's data with relevant fields such as full name, email, job title, and status (active/inactive), and it will assign employees to their respective teams.
Key Benefits
Simplify the synchronization of employee data with automatic syncing into Insightful.
Centralize your employee HR data in Nmbrs for more effective data-driven decision-making based on the most accurate information in Insightful.
Ensure agile management of employee information as Insightful will instantly reflect changes you make in Nmbrs. Any modifications to names, emails, job titles, or statuses in Nmbrs will promptly appear in Insightful.
Time Off Sync Coming Soon
Track all time spent inside and outside of the office with PTO data syncing . Get all the information you need to schedule employees and manage capacity as Insightful updates PTO in real time to match your records.

Effortlessly Onboard and Offboard with Smart Syncing
Productivity Monitoring
Use Insightful’s powerful productivity monitoring features to track and enhance team performance.
Activities Monitoring
Analyze the impact of different apps and websites on your teams with accurate usage-based tracking
Hybrid and Remote
Use location-based tracking to help your employees adapt to different work environments
Amplify Insightful’s capabilities with over 50 additional integrations to allow you to create more efficient workflows.
Time Off Sync
Use time off data syncing to accurately forecast employee availability for upcoming projects and establish timelines
Receive real-time attendance alerts that notify you when employees are running late for shifts.
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