Workpuls Teramind ActivTrak Hubstaff DeskTime Time Doctor RescueTime Kickidler Veriato Work Examiner
Price $6/user/month $6/user/month $7.20/user/month $7/user/month $7/user/month $9.99/user/month $6/user/month $9.99/user/month $150/licence/year $60/licence (lifetime)
Free trial 7 days 7 days No 14 days 14 days 14 days 30 days 7 days Yes 30 days
Ease of use Very easy Difficult Very easy Easy Easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very difficult Easy
Unlimited (tracker working 24/7)
Fixed (defined working hours)
Automatic (when computer is connected to a specified network)
Manual (start/stop)
Project based (track time only on projects)
Stealth mode
App and website usage
Real-time monitoring
Offline time tracking
Activity levels
Remote desktop control
Website/activity blocking
Screenshots on demand
Screen recording
Productivity trends
Websites and apps labeling
Category labeling
Productivity alerts
User behavior analytics
Data loss prevention
Advanced file and web monitoring
Productivity reports
Team reports
Email reports
Access management
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
Mobile app iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android Android
Browser extension Chrome Chrome Chrome
Other Citrix, VMware Chrome OS
Support Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Email, online Phone, email, online, in-person Online Phone, email, online Email, online, Viber, Whatsapp Phone, email, online, support ticket Phone, email, online
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Integrations comming soon
Deployment cloud, on-premise cloud, on-premise, AWS, Azure cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud on-premise cloud, on-premise on-premise
Kronos Humanity Timeclockplus Tsheets Wheniwork Deputy Replicon Jibble EbilityTimeTracker OnTheClock BeeBole
Price(per month)Available upon requestFrom $2 per userAvailable upon requestFrom $6.40 per user+$16Free for up to 75 usersFrom $2.50 per userBasic plan:$30 for 5 users+$5 per additional userFrom $1.50 per employeeFrom $4 per user+$8From $2.20 per user$5.99 per user per month
Free trial30 days14 daysYes14 days14 days14 days30 days30 days,no credit card required
Ease of useDifficultEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyEasy
Timecard management
Shift Trading
Break time management
Real-time tracking
PTO Management
Client billing
GPS tracking
Clock out reminders
Manual time
Web app
Mobile app
Time clock device
Time clock kiosk
Facial recognition
Fingerprint scanning
Group punch-in
Visual reports
Email reports
Time rounding
Manager approvals
Add time for others
Android app
iOS app
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
SupportPhone and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,chat and onlinePhone and chatEmail and onlineChat and phonePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlineOnline chat and video support in English,French,and Spanish
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Community forum

Key Takeaways:

  • 60% of workers admit to viewing adult content at work, impacting productivity and team performance.

  • Project delays and compromised output quality can result from this behavior.

  • Cybersecurity threats are a concern, with incidents like the malware attack at the U.S. Geological Survey highlighting the risks.

  • Employers are advised to adopt a unified approach by using platforms like Insightful’s remote computer monitoring software, ensuring productivity stays high, and cyberthreats low. 

Read time: 5 minutes

Let’s turn on the office lights and peek behind the professional curtain, where the corporate world's most awkward browser history item has made a cameo – the unexpected, often unmentionable, and occasionally unblockable world of adult content. 

Once the preserve of personal time, this titillating topic has tiptoed into the 9-to-5, blurring the lines between ‘NSFW’ and, well, actual work.

A surprising revelation from a survey by Sugarcookie brings this to light, with 60% of participants acknowledging they've viewed adult content during work hours. This isn't an isolated number but reflects a broader trend that's permeating professional life. 

Trust us. It’s an all too common use case 😳

Venturing into a topic that straddles the boundary between private indulgence and professional propriety, we examine the unexpected prevalence of adult content consumption within work hours. 

Adult Content Consumption at Work

Sugarcookie’s survey lays bare a startling statistic: 60% of the workforce has admitted to engaging with adult material at work. This is not a small share, but a revealing glimpse into a large group of professionals who blend their personal interests with their job responsibilities.

These numbers don't just suggest a developing pattern; they highlight an urgent call for businesses to reassess their online behavior rules and their overall impact on office environment.

Take the UK Parliament as an example, where internal defenses have caught many attempts to visit adult websites, showing that no one is immune to online misconduct.

Looking at local government, a situation in Baltimore stands as a warning. Someone lost their job because they couldn't stop watching adult content at work, showing the severe repercussions of such actions and underlining why businesses need to closely monitor their online spaces.

Universities are also not exempt from this issue, as seen at the University of Miami. A class was interrupted when it accidentally revealed more about the professor's private life than was appropriate, pointing out the need for distinct boundaries between what's personal and what's professional.

Understanding the 4:00 PM Phenomenon

A look at user numbers on well-known adult content sites shows a clear increase at 4:00 PM. This isn't just a random occurrence; it's a regular pattern that matches with the end of a typical workday. Data from these websites show that as many workers approach the end of their shifts, there's a noticeable move in internet use towards adult material.

The factors driving this uptick are tied to both mental and physical influences.

At this time, many people start to feel mentally drained after a full day of work. They look for something different from their daily routine to take their mind off work, which can lead them to content that's very different from their professional setting. Also, as the workday draws to a close, the anticipation of it ending can lead to behaviors aimed at finding pleasure.

More Than a Guilty Pleasure: Unpacking the 'Why'

Psychologists point out that our energy levels naturally dip in the mid-afternoon, leading to decreased alertness and concentration. This often coincides with lessened workplace supervision and the use of personal devices, which may embolden people to engage in non-work activities.

The increase in adult content viewership at 4:00 PM could be related to the allure of the 'forbidden fruit', a phenomenon that becomes more enticing as employees anticipate the end of their workday, potentially eroding the boundaries between professional and personal life.

The desire to seek such content may serve as a psychological break from the day's pressures or act as a self-reward for enduring the day's challenges, providing a quick hit of dopamine. Workplace stress and job dissatisfaction are significant contributors to this behavior, with individuals seeking fulfillment they're not getting from their jobs.

To counteract this, a more empathetic approach to employee wellness is needed. Organizations should bolster support systems and foster open discussions on stress management, which may improve job satisfaction and mental health, subsequently reducing the inclination for employees to seek such forms of escape during work hours.

Beyond the Blush: Tangible Risks and Ramifications

The issue of accessing adult content at work usually sparks immediate concern about social and ethical issues, but it's essential to focus on the actual risks, especially regarding work output and safety.

When employees visit adult sites during work, it can significantly lower their work production. Time spent on these sites is time not spent on their tasks, leading to an overall drop in productivity.

It's not just about one person's work; it affects the entire team's efficiency and can delay projects. This can cause hold-ups in work processes, slow down project completion, and in the end, harm the quality of what the company offers.

The more hidden and rarely talked about risks are to do with security. Adult websites may not be as secure and can contain harmful software like malware and viruses. If these sites are visited from work computers, they can let these threats into the company's systems, putting important data and trade secrets at risk.

For example, an employee at the U.S. Geological Survey was responsible for introducing malware into the agency’s computer network by accessing over 9,000 elicit websites on his work laptop, some of which were based in Russia. 

His actions, which included downloading and saving malicious content to external devices, led to his termination and prompted a network breach at the Earth Resources Observation and Science Center—a non-classified information holding facility. 

The incident spurred recommendations for stricter domain blacklisting, improved monitoring of internet usage, and restrictions on unauthorized external devices. This situation underscores the broader risk of cyber threats facilitated by employee negligence, emphasizing the need for better education on data protection and the realities of cybersecurity vulnerabilities within government infrastructures.

Elicit websites can open the door to cyberattacks, which can cost the company a lot financially and damage its reputation. Moreover, it can create a work atmosphere that is unpleasant or even hostile, especially if such content is accessed openly or becomes a topic among staff.

With these issues in mind, the problem of watching adult content at work goes beyond just individual behavior and becomes a matter for the whole organization. This situation calls for action to ensure company resources are used properly and to protect against the increased danger to security and the work environment.

Navigating Professional Boundaries in Remote Work Settings

The shift to working from home has created a complex issue with how work devices and company time are used. Remote workers might access adult content from home, which is a murky issue, especially if it's during their own time but with work equipment.

At first glance, using company devices as a remote employee for personal activities seems okay if it's in private and after hours. Yet, it's an issue if it happens during work hours or involves company-owned technology.

This brings up worries about both work efficiency and cybersecurity. Visiting these kinds of sites on work devices could put the company's systems at risk of malware and other security issues, no matter where the employee is working from.

Tackling Taboo: Crafting a Safer Digital Work Environment

Businesses need to find a careful balance between respecting personal space and keeping professional norms. Having clear rules and open discussions about how to use work equipment can prevent confusion.

This way, the company stays safe without stepping on employees' personal freedoms, keeping a respectful yet secure line between professional duties and private life.

The following strategies are tailored to help employers navigate this sensitive issue, fostering a productive and secure work environment while respecting the privacy of their employees:

Establish Clear Use Policies: Organizations should create and communicate clear guidelines regarding the use of company devices and time. This includes specifying acceptable and unacceptable behaviors and outlining the repercussions for policy violations. While respecting employee privacy, especially in a remote work setting, clarify that company devices should be used for professional purposes only, even outside of traditional work hours.

Monitor and Control Network Access: Employers can implement monitoring systems to track and control the use of their networks. Content filters can be installed to block access to adult sites and other inappropriate material during work hours or on company equipment.

Foster Open Dialogue: Encourage open communication about workplace stress and the importance of mental health. This can help to destigmatize discussions around the reasons employees may seek out these distractions, allowing for more effective solutions to be put in place.

Strengthen Support Systems: Provide robust support for employees, such as access to counseling services or stress management resources. This can reduce the likelihood of employees turning to inappropriate content as a stress relief.

Encourage Healthy Breaks: Rather than turning to digital content for a break, promote healthier alternatives. This could involve organizing short physical activities, mindfulness sessions, or simply encouraging walks outside.

Cybersecurity Education: Regularly educate employees on the risks associated with accessing unsafe websites and the potential impact on the company, including data breaches and malware infection. As trends and technologies evolve, so should company policies. Regular reviews will ensure policies remain relevant and are enforced appropriately.

Implementing these strategies can help organizations mitigate the risks associated with the consumption of adult content at work, protecting both the company and its employees.

Comptuter Monitoring: Privacy, Protection, and Productivity

Insightfuls remote monitoring software, when implemented with transparency and clear communication regarding its purpose and scope, can be an effective way to ensure that work devices are used appropriately without overstepping into invasive surveillance. It helps in detecting unapproved activities that might expose the company to cyber threats or legal issues.

Insightful distinguishes itself as a comprehensive platform that provides not only in-depth monitoring capabilities but also a robust suite of security features. This dual focus is critical for businesses that prioritize both productivity and data integrity. 

Here's how Insightful can help:

  • Proactive Alert System: Insightful Alerts function as a vigilant watchguard, providing real-time notifications on attendance anomalies and offering real-time insider threat detection. Customizable to align with an organization's unique requirements, these alerts, detailed on the Overview and Logs Pages, enable swift and informed responses to potential issues.

  • Real-time Monitoring & Activity Tracking: Offering a window into employees' digital behavior, Insightful allows for the observation of application and web usage, distinguishing between productive and unproductive activities. Simultaneously, it keeps tabs on active versus idle time, offering a clear picture of day-to-day operations.

  • On-Demand Oversight: With features like On-Demand Screenshots, as well as monitoring via microphones and cameras, Insightful allows for intermittent review of work activities, ensuring that company resources are used appropriately without intruding on privacy.

  • Productivity and Behavior Analytics: The platform's Productivity Trends Dashboard processes data to uncover productivity patterns, revealing opportunities for enhancing operational efficiency. Coupled with keyboard and mouse tracking, these insights allow for a nuanced understanding of work habits.

In conjunction with monitoring solutions, comprehensive cybersecurity training is essential, enlightening employees about the potential risks associated with accessing adult content on work devices, including malware, data breaches, and other security threats.

The presence of adult content during office hours is an indicator of how the modern workday affects employee well-being. As businesses seek to maintain productivity and secure their digital frontiers, a balanced approach is important. 

The solution isn't just about crafting stringent policies, but also about nurturing an understanding of employees' needs and behaviors. It is about creating an environment where personal use of company time or resources doesn't infringe on professional responsibilities or network safety. 

Insightful helps you protect your systems in office and enables you to build a remote team with confidence knowing that your data is extra safeguarded.

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Employee Monitoring

NSFW: Clicking for Thrills Could Lead to Systemic Ills

Written by
Kendra Gaffin
Published on
November 7, 2023

Key Takeaways:

  • 60% of workers admit to viewing adult content at work, impacting productivity and team performance.

  • Project delays and compromised output quality can result from this behavior.

  • Cybersecurity threats are a concern, with incidents like the malware attack at the U.S. Geological Survey highlighting the risks.

  • Employers are advised to adopt a unified approach by using platforms like Insightful’s remote computer monitoring software, ensuring productivity stays high, and cyberthreats low. 

Read time: 5 minutes

Let’s turn on the office lights and peek behind the professional curtain, where the corporate world's most awkward browser history item has made a cameo – the unexpected, often unmentionable, and occasionally unblockable world of adult content. 

Once the preserve of personal time, this titillating topic has tiptoed into the 9-to-5, blurring the lines between ‘NSFW’ and, well, actual work.

A surprising revelation from a survey by Sugarcookie brings this to light, with 60% of participants acknowledging they've viewed adult content during work hours. This isn't an isolated number but reflects a broader trend that's permeating professional life. 

Trust us. It’s an all too common use case 😳

Venturing into a topic that straddles the boundary between private indulgence and professional propriety, we examine the unexpected prevalence of adult content consumption within work hours. 

Adult Content Consumption at Work

Sugarcookie’s survey lays bare a startling statistic: 60% of the workforce has admitted to engaging with adult material at work. This is not a small share, but a revealing glimpse into a large group of professionals who blend their personal interests with their job responsibilities.

These numbers don't just suggest a developing pattern; they highlight an urgent call for businesses to reassess their online behavior rules and their overall impact on office environment.

Take the UK Parliament as an example, where internal defenses have caught many attempts to visit adult websites, showing that no one is immune to online misconduct.

Looking at local government, a situation in Baltimore stands as a warning. Someone lost their job because they couldn't stop watching adult content at work, showing the severe repercussions of such actions and underlining why businesses need to closely monitor their online spaces.

Universities are also not exempt from this issue, as seen at the University of Miami. A class was interrupted when it accidentally revealed more about the professor's private life than was appropriate, pointing out the need for distinct boundaries between what's personal and what's professional.

Understanding the 4:00 PM Phenomenon

A look at user numbers on well-known adult content sites shows a clear increase at 4:00 PM. This isn't just a random occurrence; it's a regular pattern that matches with the end of a typical workday. Data from these websites show that as many workers approach the end of their shifts, there's a noticeable move in internet use towards adult material.

The factors driving this uptick are tied to both mental and physical influences.

At this time, many people start to feel mentally drained after a full day of work. They look for something different from their daily routine to take their mind off work, which can lead them to content that's very different from their professional setting. Also, as the workday draws to a close, the anticipation of it ending can lead to behaviors aimed at finding pleasure.

More Than a Guilty Pleasure: Unpacking the 'Why'

Psychologists point out that our energy levels naturally dip in the mid-afternoon, leading to decreased alertness and concentration. This often coincides with lessened workplace supervision and the use of personal devices, which may embolden people to engage in non-work activities.

The increase in adult content viewership at 4:00 PM could be related to the allure of the 'forbidden fruit', a phenomenon that becomes more enticing as employees anticipate the end of their workday, potentially eroding the boundaries between professional and personal life.

The desire to seek such content may serve as a psychological break from the day's pressures or act as a self-reward for enduring the day's challenges, providing a quick hit of dopamine. Workplace stress and job dissatisfaction are significant contributors to this behavior, with individuals seeking fulfillment they're not getting from their jobs.

To counteract this, a more empathetic approach to employee wellness is needed. Organizations should bolster support systems and foster open discussions on stress management, which may improve job satisfaction and mental health, subsequently reducing the inclination for employees to seek such forms of escape during work hours.

Beyond the Blush: Tangible Risks and Ramifications

The issue of accessing adult content at work usually sparks immediate concern about social and ethical issues, but it's essential to focus on the actual risks, especially regarding work output and safety.

When employees visit adult sites during work, it can significantly lower their work production. Time spent on these sites is time not spent on their tasks, leading to an overall drop in productivity.

It's not just about one person's work; it affects the entire team's efficiency and can delay projects. This can cause hold-ups in work processes, slow down project completion, and in the end, harm the quality of what the company offers.

The more hidden and rarely talked about risks are to do with security. Adult websites may not be as secure and can contain harmful software like malware and viruses. If these sites are visited from work computers, they can let these threats into the company's systems, putting important data and trade secrets at risk.

For example, an employee at the U.S. Geological Survey was responsible for introducing malware into the agency’s computer network by accessing over 9,000 elicit websites on his work laptop, some of which were based in Russia. 

His actions, which included downloading and saving malicious content to external devices, led to his termination and prompted a network breach at the Earth Resources Observation and Science Center—a non-classified information holding facility. 

The incident spurred recommendations for stricter domain blacklisting, improved monitoring of internet usage, and restrictions on unauthorized external devices. This situation underscores the broader risk of cyber threats facilitated by employee negligence, emphasizing the need for better education on data protection and the realities of cybersecurity vulnerabilities within government infrastructures.

Elicit websites can open the door to cyberattacks, which can cost the company a lot financially and damage its reputation. Moreover, it can create a work atmosphere that is unpleasant or even hostile, especially if such content is accessed openly or becomes a topic among staff.

With these issues in mind, the problem of watching adult content at work goes beyond just individual behavior and becomes a matter for the whole organization. This situation calls for action to ensure company resources are used properly and to protect against the increased danger to security and the work environment.

Navigating Professional Boundaries in Remote Work Settings

The shift to working from home has created a complex issue with how work devices and company time are used. Remote workers might access adult content from home, which is a murky issue, especially if it's during their own time but with work equipment.

At first glance, using company devices as a remote employee for personal activities seems okay if it's in private and after hours. Yet, it's an issue if it happens during work hours or involves company-owned technology.

This brings up worries about both work efficiency and cybersecurity. Visiting these kinds of sites on work devices could put the company's systems at risk of malware and other security issues, no matter where the employee is working from.

Tackling Taboo: Crafting a Safer Digital Work Environment

Businesses need to find a careful balance between respecting personal space and keeping professional norms. Having clear rules and open discussions about how to use work equipment can prevent confusion.

This way, the company stays safe without stepping on employees' personal freedoms, keeping a respectful yet secure line between professional duties and private life.

The following strategies are tailored to help employers navigate this sensitive issue, fostering a productive and secure work environment while respecting the privacy of their employees:

Establish Clear Use Policies: Organizations should create and communicate clear guidelines regarding the use of company devices and time. This includes specifying acceptable and unacceptable behaviors and outlining the repercussions for policy violations. While respecting employee privacy, especially in a remote work setting, clarify that company devices should be used for professional purposes only, even outside of traditional work hours.

Monitor and Control Network Access: Employers can implement monitoring systems to track and control the use of their networks. Content filters can be installed to block access to adult sites and other inappropriate material during work hours or on company equipment.

Foster Open Dialogue: Encourage open communication about workplace stress and the importance of mental health. This can help to destigmatize discussions around the reasons employees may seek out these distractions, allowing for more effective solutions to be put in place.

Strengthen Support Systems: Provide robust support for employees, such as access to counseling services or stress management resources. This can reduce the likelihood of employees turning to inappropriate content as a stress relief.

Encourage Healthy Breaks: Rather than turning to digital content for a break, promote healthier alternatives. This could involve organizing short physical activities, mindfulness sessions, or simply encouraging walks outside.

Cybersecurity Education: Regularly educate employees on the risks associated with accessing unsafe websites and the potential impact on the company, including data breaches and malware infection. As trends and technologies evolve, so should company policies. Regular reviews will ensure policies remain relevant and are enforced appropriately.

Implementing these strategies can help organizations mitigate the risks associated with the consumption of adult content at work, protecting both the company and its employees.

Comptuter Monitoring: Privacy, Protection, and Productivity

Insightfuls remote monitoring software, when implemented with transparency and clear communication regarding its purpose and scope, can be an effective way to ensure that work devices are used appropriately without overstepping into invasive surveillance. It helps in detecting unapproved activities that might expose the company to cyber threats or legal issues.

Insightful distinguishes itself as a comprehensive platform that provides not only in-depth monitoring capabilities but also a robust suite of security features. This dual focus is critical for businesses that prioritize both productivity and data integrity. 

Here's how Insightful can help:

  • Proactive Alert System: Insightful Alerts function as a vigilant watchguard, providing real-time notifications on attendance anomalies and offering real-time insider threat detection. Customizable to align with an organization's unique requirements, these alerts, detailed on the Overview and Logs Pages, enable swift and informed responses to potential issues.

  • Real-time Monitoring & Activity Tracking: Offering a window into employees' digital behavior, Insightful allows for the observation of application and web usage, distinguishing between productive and unproductive activities. Simultaneously, it keeps tabs on active versus idle time, offering a clear picture of day-to-day operations.

  • On-Demand Oversight: With features like On-Demand Screenshots, as well as monitoring via microphones and cameras, Insightful allows for intermittent review of work activities, ensuring that company resources are used appropriately without intruding on privacy.

  • Productivity and Behavior Analytics: The platform's Productivity Trends Dashboard processes data to uncover productivity patterns, revealing opportunities for enhancing operational efficiency. Coupled with keyboard and mouse tracking, these insights allow for a nuanced understanding of work habits.

In conjunction with monitoring solutions, comprehensive cybersecurity training is essential, enlightening employees about the potential risks associated with accessing adult content on work devices, including malware, data breaches, and other security threats.

The presence of adult content during office hours is an indicator of how the modern workday affects employee well-being. As businesses seek to maintain productivity and secure their digital frontiers, a balanced approach is important. 

The solution isn't just about crafting stringent policies, but also about nurturing an understanding of employees' needs and behaviors. It is about creating an environment where personal use of company time or resources doesn't infringe on professional responsibilities or network safety. 

Insightful helps you protect your systems in office and enables you to build a remote team with confidence knowing that your data is extra safeguarded.