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Free trial 7 days 7 days No 14 days 14 days 14 days 30 days 7 days Yes 30 days
Ease of use Very easy Difficult Very easy Easy Easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very difficult Easy
Unlimited (tracker working 24/7)
Fixed (defined working hours)
Automatic (when computer is connected to a specified network)
Manual (start/stop)
Project based (track time only on projects)
Stealth mode
App and website usage
Real-time monitoring
Offline time tracking
Activity levels
Remote desktop control
Website/activity blocking
Screenshots on demand
Screen recording
Productivity trends
Websites and apps labeling
Category labeling
Productivity alerts
User behavior analytics
Data loss prevention
Advanced file and web monitoring
Productivity reports
Team reports
Email reports
Access management
Mac desktop app
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Browser extension Chrome Chrome Chrome
Other Citrix, VMware Chrome OS
Support Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Email, online Phone, email, online, in-person Online Phone, email, online Email, online, Viber, Whatsapp Phone, email, online, support ticket Phone, email, online
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Price(per month)Available upon requestFrom $2 per userAvailable upon requestFrom $6.40 per user+$16Free for up to 75 usersFrom $2.50 per userBasic plan:$30 for 5 users+$5 per additional userFrom $1.50 per employeeFrom $4 per user+$8From $2.20 per user$5.99 per user per month
Free trial30 days14 daysYes14 days14 days14 days30 days30 days,no credit card required
Ease of useDifficultEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyEasy
Timecard management
Shift Trading
Break time management
Real-time tracking
PTO Management
Client billing
GPS tracking
Clock out reminders
Manual time
Web app
Mobile app
Time clock device
Time clock kiosk
Facial recognition
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Group punch-in
Visual reports
Email reports
Time rounding
Manager approvals
Add time for others
Android app
iOS app
Mac desktop app
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Linux desktop app
SupportPhone and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,chat and onlinePhone and chatEmail and onlineChat and phonePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlineOnline chat and video support in English,French,and Spanish
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Have you ever seen an episode of the U.S. TV show The Office that hit a little too close to home?

While the show offers an often endearing, comedic portrayal of office life at company Dunder Mifflin, it's also an exposé of what to avoid if you strive for a functional, productive workplace. 

Whether you’re a fan of The Office or have never seen the show, if you’re a leader eager to rid your workplace of dysfunction and inefficiency, this piece is for you. 

We highlight key areas of dysfunction from your favorite episodes and glean the essential lessons you need to keep your workforce happy, productive, and above all, functional

As a bonus, we’ll reimagine how The Office may have been different had they implemented tools like real-time employee monitoring software, and how you can use them to avoid making the same mistakes. 

So, what exactly is going on at Dunder Mifflin?

Poor Change Management

In the episode The Merger, two branches combine, but regional manager Michael Scott's mismanagement results in chaos. One team is resistant to the new employees, causing friction between the two groups. The merging employees feel isolated and confused about new procedures, while the other struggles with disrupted routines. 

Here are three key mistakes management made:

     ❗Lack of awareness about team dynamics

     ❗Ignoring productivity issues

     ❗Failure to recognize overwork or low engagement

Michael's ineffective management leads to productivity issues, disrupted workflows, and low morale, as the two teams struggle to integrate. The episode shows how poor management and a lack of strategic planning during times of change can lead to chaos.

It’s not just mergers either, poor management and lack of planning can wreak havoc during restructuring, new tech rollouts, leadership changes, office relocations, or policy shifts.  

According to McKinsey, 70% of change management initiatives fail due to poor management and lack of planning. In the fictional world of The Office, these mistakes are of no consequence. But in the real world, the consequences can be severe, resulting in up to 50% lower returns on investment

So, what could Michael have done differently to better manage the transition? And how can you avoid similar issues?

Use real-time productivity tracking software to keep transitions seamless & productivity flowing.

During transitions, real-time insights from productivity tracking software are an invaluable asset. These tools help you spot productivity drops and signs of disengagement immediately and step in before things spiral, keeping all teams on track. 

Plus, they provide full visibility into everyone’s work, making sure teams stay accountable and workflows don’t get derailed, even during times of change.

A Distraction-Riddled Office 

In the episode, Michael Scott Paper Company, distractions in the office become a problem when Jim (a salesman) installs Call of Duty on his computer and engages in a gaming session during work hours. The distraction impacts his productivity, but Micheal, his manager, does nothing to address the issue.

Here are three key mistakes management made:

      ❗ Failing to set clear expectations for focus and productivity
      ❗ Not addressing non-work-related distractions in the office
      ❗ Lacking oversight and engagement with team day-to-day activities

Michael’s hands-off approach allows distractions like gaming to go unchecked, reducing productivity across the team. His lack of clear guidelines on acceptable office behavior creates an environment where employees feel they can prioritize personal activities over work.

It’s not just gaming—apps, websites, and other distractions can sneak in when management doesn't set boundaries or monitor team focus. The average worker spends 2 hours and 53 minutes each day on distractions. Without proper oversight and clear boundaries, these distractions can lead to missed deadlines and a significant drop in productivity, costing companies both time and money.

So, what could Michael have done differently to keep his team on track? And how can you keep your teams focused during work hours?

Use app & website usage monitoring to eliminate distractions & boost productivity.

Using computer monitoring tools, you can easily see what apps and sites your team is using in real time, helping you quickly spot unauthorized tools or unproductive distractions. By flagging apps and sites like social media or games, you can nip distractions in the bud before they impact your team’s focus.

Tools like Insightful automatically label apps and websites as productive or not, so you get clear insights into how time is spent. Customizable alerts notify you of distractions instantly, so you can intervene before productivity drops, keeping your team focused on what matters.

Inefficient Performance Appraisals

In the episode The Promotion, Jim and Michael (co-managers) are faced with the task of distributing a limited amount of money among the staff for raises. However, their lack of planning and transparency leads to chaos, frustration, and mistrust among the team. They struggle to manage expectations and make fair decisions, which results in uneven workload distribution and disgruntled employees.

Here are three key mistakes management made:

     ❗ Lack of transparency about how raises would be decided

     ❗ Failure to consider workload and performance when distributing raises

     ❗ Overlooking team morale, leading to increased tension 

Their mishandling of the situation causes resentment, with employees feeling that decisions were arbitrary and unfair. This episode highlights the risks of not using data or performance metrics when making critical decisions like raises.

58% of employees trust strangers more than their own bosses
when it comes to decision-making around promotions and raises. When management makes decisions without clear data, it creates feelings of unfairness and resentment, which can lead to disengagement. Disengaged employees lead to a 21% lower profitability

In the fictional world of The Office, these issues are a source of comedy, but in the real world, they can significantly impact your company’s bottom line.

So, what could management have done differently? And how can you prevent making the same mistakes?

Rely on performance insights to ensure fair decisions & keep teams motivated.

Performance insights provide objective, data-driven metrics that help you evaluate employees based on actual productivity, time spent on tasks, and engagement levels. This eliminates biases or subjective judgment, keeping performance appraisals based on clear, measurable criteria. 

By using detailed reports and real-time tracking, you can compare performance across the team and recognize high performers or identify areas for improvement, leading to fairer and more transparent appraisals.

Take a page from Farmers Insurance's book: by using Insightful, they boosted employee performance from 70-80% to 92% and saw a 20% increase in sales. With better visibility into workload distribution, they were able to fairly assess performance, motivate their team, and balance tasks more effectively.

Uneven Workload Distribution 

In the episode China, Pam realizes she has been taking on an overwhelming number of responsibilities as office administrator, without receiving any acknowledgment or support from management. Over time, her role has expanded significantly, leaving her overworked and frustrated. 

Here are three key mistakes management made in the episode:
     ❗ Lack of oversight from management about expanding responsibilities
     ❗ No clear role boundaries, leading to task overload
     ❗ Failure to recognize and support overworked employees

The episode highlights how unchecked workload creep—where tasks slowly pile up on one employee—can lead to burnout.

According to Gallup, employees who feel overwhelmed by their workload are 2.6 times more likely to actively seek a new job. The cost of replacing an employee can range from 50% to 200% of their annual salary. 

When employees feel overwhelmed and leave due to burnout or excessive workload, this turnover can significantly impact a company’s bottom line, leading to increased recruitment, training, and onboarding costs.

So, what could management have done differently? And how can you make your teams aren’t overwhelmed by uneven workloads?

Use intelligent workload balancing to keep tasks balanced & prevent burnout.

With workload management tools, you can see exactly who is handling what at that precise moment, helping you quickly spot when responsibilities are unevenly distributed. By identifying task imbalances early, you can step in before they lead to frustration or burnout, ensuring every employee has a manageable workload.

Insightful’s InsightsAI takes workload balancing a step further by using artificial intelligence to analyze productivity data and automatically highlight imbalances or inefficiencies. InsightsAI not only identifies which team members are overworked or underutilized but also provides actionable recommendations to optimize task distribution and resource allocation.

Insider Threats & Data Breaches

In the episode Heavy Competition, Dwight, an assistant manager, betrays Dunder Mifflin by leaking sensitive sales data to Michael, who has started his own rival company, the Michael Scott Paper Company. Dwight’s actions create a serious security breach, giving Michael access to confidential information, including sales leads and pricing data, in an attempt to sabotage Dunder Mifflin’s business.

Here are three key mistakes management made:

     ❗ No monitoring of employee access
     ❗ Failure to protect confidential information
     ❗ Lack of response to insider threats

Dwight’s actions jeopardize the company’s competitive position, highlighting the serious risks of insider threats and data breaches when employees misuse their access to company information.

Companies that fail to monitor access to sensitive data or detect unusual activity are at risk of insider threats that can lead to severe financial and reputational damage.

According to IBM, the average cost of an insider threat incident is $11.45 million. In The Office, Dwight’s betrayal is part of the storyline, but in real life, the consequences can be far more damaging.

So, what could management have done differently to prevent this breach? What can you do to prevent similar breaches?

Use insider threat detection to protect sensitive data & prevent sabotage.

Employee tracking software like Insightful includes insider threat detection tools that offer real-time monitoring and alerts that would have flagged Dwight’s unusual access to sensitive data. This could have allowed management to intervene before the information was leaked.

Security alerts can restrict unauthorized access to confidential information, ensuring only trusted employees have access to critical data. By using insider threat monitoring tools, you can keep sensitive information secure and protect your business from potential sabotage.

Lack of Visibility into Remote Work

In the episode Cocktails, Jim and Karen (salespeople) temporarily work out of the Utica branch, leading to a disconnect from the Scranton office. Though Jim isn’t working remotely in the traditional sense, his physical distance from the main office results in communication breakdowns and missed coordination. Jim’s absence impacts collaboration, leaving him out of key decisions and causing friction with his Scranton colleagues.

Here are three key mistakes management made:

    ❗ No system for maintaining communication
    ❗ Failure to keep remote employees engaged
    ❗ Lack of visibility into remote tasks

Jim’s time away shows how physical distance can create communication gaps and disengagement, leading to reduced productivity and missed opportunities.

It’s not just temporary assignments—remote workers often face similar issues if they lack proper communication tools and oversight. Without systems in place, productivity drops by up to 20% when remote workers feel disconnected from their team, according to Harvard Business Review.

So, what could management have done differently to keep Jim engaged? And how can you prevent similar issues in your own organization?

Use remote management tools to maintain communication & engagement.

With remote team management tools, Jim’s absence would have been monitored in real time, keeping him connected to the main office and ensuring that he remained involved in important decisions. These tools offer clear visibility into all workloads, even in dispersed teams, allowing managers to monitor progress and keep teams aligned and productive.

A comprehensive employee productivity tracker like Insightful also offers location insights that track how different work environments impact productivity. This feature can help you optimize remote and hybrid teams by identifying the most effective setups for engagement and efficiency.

Inaccurate Billable Hours Tracking 

In the episode PDA, Jim and Pam face tension when they realize they’ve failed to log their sales properly, leading to missed commissions. Their oversight in tracking time and sales-related tasks results in lost income.

Here are three key mistakes management made:

    ❗ No system for tracking billable hours
    ❗ Failure to monitor task completion
    ❗ Lack of visibility into time spent on revenue-generating tasks

This episode highlights the risks of inaccurate time tracking and how it can directly affect employee compensation and business revenue.

It’s not just about commissions—companies that don’t track billable hours accurately risk losing revenue and harming client relationships. In fact, according to Forbes, companies lose up to $50,000 per employee annually due to inaccurate time tracking.

So, what could management have done differently to prevent missed commissions? And how can you avoid similar issues in your organization?

Use project time tracking to ensure billing accuracy & avoid missed revenue.

With payroll timekeeping software, Jim and Pam’s sales activities would have been logged automatically, ensuring they never missed commissions due to untracked hours. Real-time tracking gives management a clear view of billable hours and task completion, preventing critical revenue-generating work from slipping through the cracks.

Keep the dysfunction of The Office fictional—Sign up for a risk-free trial of Insightful today for a chaos-free workplace!

We’ve reserved a 7-day free trial for you….

Want your hybrid or remote team to be more productive?

Claim your free 7-Day full feature trial of Insightful today. Insightful’s actionable work insights make your team more productive, efficient and accountable.

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Employee Monitoring

Lessons from 'The Office': Combating Workplace Dysfunction with Productivity Tracking Software

Written by
Kendra Gaffin
Published on
October 4, 2024

Have you ever seen an episode of the U.S. TV show The Office that hit a little too close to home?

While the show offers an often endearing, comedic portrayal of office life at company Dunder Mifflin, it's also an exposé of what to avoid if you strive for a functional, productive workplace. 

Whether you’re a fan of The Office or have never seen the show, if you’re a leader eager to rid your workplace of dysfunction and inefficiency, this piece is for you. 

We highlight key areas of dysfunction from your favorite episodes and glean the essential lessons you need to keep your workforce happy, productive, and above all, functional

As a bonus, we’ll reimagine how The Office may have been different had they implemented tools like real-time employee monitoring software, and how you can use them to avoid making the same mistakes. 

So, what exactly is going on at Dunder Mifflin?

Poor Change Management

In the episode The Merger, two branches combine, but regional manager Michael Scott's mismanagement results in chaos. One team is resistant to the new employees, causing friction between the two groups. The merging employees feel isolated and confused about new procedures, while the other struggles with disrupted routines. 

Here are three key mistakes management made:

     ❗Lack of awareness about team dynamics

     ❗Ignoring productivity issues

     ❗Failure to recognize overwork or low engagement

Michael's ineffective management leads to productivity issues, disrupted workflows, and low morale, as the two teams struggle to integrate. The episode shows how poor management and a lack of strategic planning during times of change can lead to chaos.

It’s not just mergers either, poor management and lack of planning can wreak havoc during restructuring, new tech rollouts, leadership changes, office relocations, or policy shifts.  

According to McKinsey, 70% of change management initiatives fail due to poor management and lack of planning. In the fictional world of The Office, these mistakes are of no consequence. But in the real world, the consequences can be severe, resulting in up to 50% lower returns on investment

So, what could Michael have done differently to better manage the transition? And how can you avoid similar issues?

Use real-time productivity tracking software to keep transitions seamless & productivity flowing.

During transitions, real-time insights from productivity tracking software are an invaluable asset. These tools help you spot productivity drops and signs of disengagement immediately and step in before things spiral, keeping all teams on track. 

Plus, they provide full visibility into everyone’s work, making sure teams stay accountable and workflows don’t get derailed, even during times of change.

A Distraction-Riddled Office 

In the episode, Michael Scott Paper Company, distractions in the office become a problem when Jim (a salesman) installs Call of Duty on his computer and engages in a gaming session during work hours. The distraction impacts his productivity, but Micheal, his manager, does nothing to address the issue.

Here are three key mistakes management made:

      ❗ Failing to set clear expectations for focus and productivity
      ❗ Not addressing non-work-related distractions in the office
      ❗ Lacking oversight and engagement with team day-to-day activities

Michael’s hands-off approach allows distractions like gaming to go unchecked, reducing productivity across the team. His lack of clear guidelines on acceptable office behavior creates an environment where employees feel they can prioritize personal activities over work.

It’s not just gaming—apps, websites, and other distractions can sneak in when management doesn't set boundaries or monitor team focus. The average worker spends 2 hours and 53 minutes each day on distractions. Without proper oversight and clear boundaries, these distractions can lead to missed deadlines and a significant drop in productivity, costing companies both time and money.

So, what could Michael have done differently to keep his team on track? And how can you keep your teams focused during work hours?

Use app & website usage monitoring to eliminate distractions & boost productivity.

Using computer monitoring tools, you can easily see what apps and sites your team is using in real time, helping you quickly spot unauthorized tools or unproductive distractions. By flagging apps and sites like social media or games, you can nip distractions in the bud before they impact your team’s focus.

Tools like Insightful automatically label apps and websites as productive or not, so you get clear insights into how time is spent. Customizable alerts notify you of distractions instantly, so you can intervene before productivity drops, keeping your team focused on what matters.

Inefficient Performance Appraisals

In the episode The Promotion, Jim and Michael (co-managers) are faced with the task of distributing a limited amount of money among the staff for raises. However, their lack of planning and transparency leads to chaos, frustration, and mistrust among the team. They struggle to manage expectations and make fair decisions, which results in uneven workload distribution and disgruntled employees.

Here are three key mistakes management made:

     ❗ Lack of transparency about how raises would be decided

     ❗ Failure to consider workload and performance when distributing raises

     ❗ Overlooking team morale, leading to increased tension 

Their mishandling of the situation causes resentment, with employees feeling that decisions were arbitrary and unfair. This episode highlights the risks of not using data or performance metrics when making critical decisions like raises.

58% of employees trust strangers more than their own bosses
when it comes to decision-making around promotions and raises. When management makes decisions without clear data, it creates feelings of unfairness and resentment, which can lead to disengagement. Disengaged employees lead to a 21% lower profitability

In the fictional world of The Office, these issues are a source of comedy, but in the real world, they can significantly impact your company’s bottom line.

So, what could management have done differently? And how can you prevent making the same mistakes?

Rely on performance insights to ensure fair decisions & keep teams motivated.

Performance insights provide objective, data-driven metrics that help you evaluate employees based on actual productivity, time spent on tasks, and engagement levels. This eliminates biases or subjective judgment, keeping performance appraisals based on clear, measurable criteria. 

By using detailed reports and real-time tracking, you can compare performance across the team and recognize high performers or identify areas for improvement, leading to fairer and more transparent appraisals.

Take a page from Farmers Insurance's book: by using Insightful, they boosted employee performance from 70-80% to 92% and saw a 20% increase in sales. With better visibility into workload distribution, they were able to fairly assess performance, motivate their team, and balance tasks more effectively.

Uneven Workload Distribution 

In the episode China, Pam realizes she has been taking on an overwhelming number of responsibilities as office administrator, without receiving any acknowledgment or support from management. Over time, her role has expanded significantly, leaving her overworked and frustrated. 

Here are three key mistakes management made in the episode:
     ❗ Lack of oversight from management about expanding responsibilities
     ❗ No clear role boundaries, leading to task overload
     ❗ Failure to recognize and support overworked employees

The episode highlights how unchecked workload creep—where tasks slowly pile up on one employee—can lead to burnout.

According to Gallup, employees who feel overwhelmed by their workload are 2.6 times more likely to actively seek a new job. The cost of replacing an employee can range from 50% to 200% of their annual salary. 

When employees feel overwhelmed and leave due to burnout or excessive workload, this turnover can significantly impact a company’s bottom line, leading to increased recruitment, training, and onboarding costs.

So, what could management have done differently? And how can you make your teams aren’t overwhelmed by uneven workloads?

Use intelligent workload balancing to keep tasks balanced & prevent burnout.

With workload management tools, you can see exactly who is handling what at that precise moment, helping you quickly spot when responsibilities are unevenly distributed. By identifying task imbalances early, you can step in before they lead to frustration or burnout, ensuring every employee has a manageable workload.

Insightful’s InsightsAI takes workload balancing a step further by using artificial intelligence to analyze productivity data and automatically highlight imbalances or inefficiencies. InsightsAI not only identifies which team members are overworked or underutilized but also provides actionable recommendations to optimize task distribution and resource allocation.

Insider Threats & Data Breaches

In the episode Heavy Competition, Dwight, an assistant manager, betrays Dunder Mifflin by leaking sensitive sales data to Michael, who has started his own rival company, the Michael Scott Paper Company. Dwight’s actions create a serious security breach, giving Michael access to confidential information, including sales leads and pricing data, in an attempt to sabotage Dunder Mifflin’s business.

Here are three key mistakes management made:

     ❗ No monitoring of employee access
     ❗ Failure to protect confidential information
     ❗ Lack of response to insider threats

Dwight’s actions jeopardize the company’s competitive position, highlighting the serious risks of insider threats and data breaches when employees misuse their access to company information.

Companies that fail to monitor access to sensitive data or detect unusual activity are at risk of insider threats that can lead to severe financial and reputational damage.

According to IBM, the average cost of an insider threat incident is $11.45 million. In The Office, Dwight’s betrayal is part of the storyline, but in real life, the consequences can be far more damaging.

So, what could management have done differently to prevent this breach? What can you do to prevent similar breaches?

Use insider threat detection to protect sensitive data & prevent sabotage.

Employee tracking software like Insightful includes insider threat detection tools that offer real-time monitoring and alerts that would have flagged Dwight’s unusual access to sensitive data. This could have allowed management to intervene before the information was leaked.

Security alerts can restrict unauthorized access to confidential information, ensuring only trusted employees have access to critical data. By using insider threat monitoring tools, you can keep sensitive information secure and protect your business from potential sabotage.

Lack of Visibility into Remote Work

In the episode Cocktails, Jim and Karen (salespeople) temporarily work out of the Utica branch, leading to a disconnect from the Scranton office. Though Jim isn’t working remotely in the traditional sense, his physical distance from the main office results in communication breakdowns and missed coordination. Jim’s absence impacts collaboration, leaving him out of key decisions and causing friction with his Scranton colleagues.

Here are three key mistakes management made:

    ❗ No system for maintaining communication
    ❗ Failure to keep remote employees engaged
    ❗ Lack of visibility into remote tasks

Jim’s time away shows how physical distance can create communication gaps and disengagement, leading to reduced productivity and missed opportunities.

It’s not just temporary assignments—remote workers often face similar issues if they lack proper communication tools and oversight. Without systems in place, productivity drops by up to 20% when remote workers feel disconnected from their team, according to Harvard Business Review.

So, what could management have done differently to keep Jim engaged? And how can you prevent similar issues in your own organization?

Use remote management tools to maintain communication & engagement.

With remote team management tools, Jim’s absence would have been monitored in real time, keeping him connected to the main office and ensuring that he remained involved in important decisions. These tools offer clear visibility into all workloads, even in dispersed teams, allowing managers to monitor progress and keep teams aligned and productive.

A comprehensive employee productivity tracker like Insightful also offers location insights that track how different work environments impact productivity. This feature can help you optimize remote and hybrid teams by identifying the most effective setups for engagement and efficiency.

Inaccurate Billable Hours Tracking 

In the episode PDA, Jim and Pam face tension when they realize they’ve failed to log their sales properly, leading to missed commissions. Their oversight in tracking time and sales-related tasks results in lost income.

Here are three key mistakes management made:

    ❗ No system for tracking billable hours
    ❗ Failure to monitor task completion
    ❗ Lack of visibility into time spent on revenue-generating tasks

This episode highlights the risks of inaccurate time tracking and how it can directly affect employee compensation and business revenue.

It’s not just about commissions—companies that don’t track billable hours accurately risk losing revenue and harming client relationships. In fact, according to Forbes, companies lose up to $50,000 per employee annually due to inaccurate time tracking.

So, what could management have done differently to prevent missed commissions? And how can you avoid similar issues in your organization?

Use project time tracking to ensure billing accuracy & avoid missed revenue.

With payroll timekeeping software, Jim and Pam’s sales activities would have been logged automatically, ensuring they never missed commissions due to untracked hours. Real-time tracking gives management a clear view of billable hours and task completion, preventing critical revenue-generating work from slipping through the cracks.

Keep the dysfunction of The Office fictional—Sign up for a risk-free trial of Insightful today for a chaos-free workplace!