Workpuls Teramind ActivTrak Hubstaff DeskTime Time Doctor RescueTime Kickidler Veriato Work Examiner
Price $6/user/month $6/user/month $7.20/user/month $7/user/month $7/user/month $9.99/user/month $6/user/month $9.99/user/month $150/licence/year $60/licence (lifetime)
Free trial 7 days 7 days No 14 days 14 days 14 days 30 days 7 days Yes 30 days
Ease of use Very easy Difficult Very easy Easy Easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very difficult Easy
Unlimited (tracker working 24/7)
Fixed (defined working hours)
Automatic (when computer is connected to a specified network)
Manual (start/stop)
Project based (track time only on projects)
Stealth mode
App and website usage
Real-time monitoring
Offline time tracking
Activity levels
Remote desktop control
Website/activity blocking
Screenshots on demand
Screen recording
Productivity trends
Websites and apps labeling
Category labeling
Productivity alerts
User behavior analytics
Data loss prevention
Advanced file and web monitoring
Productivity reports
Team reports
Email reports
Access management
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
Mobile app iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android Android
Browser extension Chrome Chrome Chrome
Other Citrix, VMware Chrome OS
Support Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Email, online Phone, email, online, in-person Online Phone, email, online Email, online, Viber, Whatsapp Phone, email, online, support ticket Phone, email, online
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Integrations comming soon
Deployment cloud, on-premise cloud, on-premise, AWS, Azure cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud on-premise cloud, on-premise on-premise
Kronos Humanity Timeclockplus Tsheets Wheniwork Deputy Replicon Jibble EbilityTimeTracker OnTheClock BeeBole
Price(per month)Available upon requestFrom $2 per userAvailable upon requestFrom $6.40 per user+$16Free for up to 75 usersFrom $2.50 per userBasic plan:$30 for 5 users+$5 per additional userFrom $1.50 per employeeFrom $4 per user+$8From $2.20 per user$5.99 per user per month
Free trial30 days14 daysYes14 days14 days14 days30 days30 days,no credit card required
Ease of useDifficultEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyEasy
Timecard management
Shift Trading
Break time management
Real-time tracking
PTO Management
Client billing
GPS tracking
Clock out reminders
Manual time
Web app
Mobile app
Time clock device
Time clock kiosk
Facial recognition
Fingerprint scanning
Group punch-in
Visual reports
Email reports
Time rounding
Manager approvals
Add time for others
Android app
iOS app
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
SupportPhone and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,chat and onlinePhone and chatEmail and onlineChat and phonePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlineOnline chat and video support in English,French,and Spanish
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Community forum


Learn how to navigate employment laws across different countries, handle international taxation and social security, and ensure data privacy. Discover strategies for immigration compliance, proper employee classification, and creating an inclusive workplace. Get insights on protecting intellectual property, adhering to trade regulations, and implementing ethical business practices. Additionally, find out about employee monitoring software solutions that help maintain health and safety standards and facilitate accurate time tracking for your global remote team.

Read time: 6 minutes

The widespread shift to remote work has significantly impacted the business landscape, offering benefits such as increased productivity, improved work-life balance, and cost efficiency for both employers and employees.

However, this shift also brings a considerable responsibility for business owners to manage the complexities of legal compliance in remote work environments. It's crucial to address these challenges proactively to maintain a productive workforce and prevent potential legal issues.

This article will examine prevalent compliance challenges encountered by businesses with remote employees across various regions. We will offer guidance and strategies to ensure compliance, and discuss how employer tracking software can be a valuable asset in these efforts.

Employment Laws and Regulations

Employment laws and regulations present a complex challenge for businesses, especially when managing a remote workforce that spans multiple countries. Each jurisdiction has its own set of rules governing labor practices, including minimum wage standards, overtime pay, mandatory paid leave, and workers' compensation requirements.

To navigate this complex legal landscape, it's imperative for employers to actively monitor their remote employees to ensure adherence to the specific labor laws of each country where their employees reside. This involves a vigilant approach to tracking work hours, managing compensation, and understanding local labor rights.

Establishing a thorough understanding of these diverse legal frameworks is crucial. It requires businesses to not only conduct initial research but also to engage in ongoing education to keep abreast of changes in labor legislation. Updating company policies to reflect these laws is not a one-time task but a continuous process that can safeguard your business against non-compliance risks.

Creating a robust and legally sound structure for your remote workforce involves crafting detailed work policies, setting clear expectations for work hours, compensating overtime as required by local laws, and ensuring all remote employees have the necessary resources and support to fulfill their roles effectively within the legal parameters.

Monitoring work from home employees is essential to ensuring compliance with local labor laws, such as minimum wage, overtime, paid leave, and workers' compensation. 

Mastering Taxation and Social Security

Understanding and managing international taxation and social security obligations is a critical aspect of running a global remote team. The complexities of cross-border tax laws and social security arrangements require careful navigation and expert knowledge to ensure full compliance.

Engaging with specialists in taxation and payroll is not just recommended but essential. These professionals can provide the necessary guidance to accurately withhold the correct amount of taxes and social security contributions for each jurisdiction. This proactive consultation helps to prevent any inadvertent missteps that could lead to financial penalties or legal issues.

Utilizing platforms like Remote and Deel can significantly streamline this aspect of workforce management. These platforms are designed to automate the intricate calculations and payment processes associated with international taxation and social security, minimizing the risk of errors. By leveraging such tools, employers can ensure their tax obligations are handled efficiently and correctly, providing peace of mind and allowing them to focus on core business activities.

Data Privacy and Protection

Data privacy and protection are critical elements in maintaining the confidence of both employees and customers. Compliance with data protection regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union, is non-negotiable for businesses operating across international borders.

To align with these requirements, companies must develop and enforce stringent data protection protocols. This includes understanding the scope of data privacy laws, handling personal data responsibly, and ensuring that data is secured against unauthorized access.

Using an employee monitoring platform like Insightful can be instrumental in adhering to these data protection regulations. Such platforms are designed to support businesses in implementing data privacy and security best practices while maintaining transparency with their workforce about data monitoring policies.

It's imperative for businesses to take these steps seriously to avoid the reputational damage and financial losses associated with data breaches. A proactive stance on data privacy not only complies with legal standards but also reinforces a company’s commitment to safeguarding sensitive information.

Immigration and Work Permits

Immigration compliance is a crucial factor when hiring and managing a remote global team. Hiring an ideal candidate without the necessary work permit or visa can lead to significant legal issues for both the employee and the company.

To prevent such situations, it is essential for businesses to verify the immigration status and work authorization of their employees routinely. This includes keeping track of visa expiration dates, understanding the conditions of work permits, and adhering to the reporting requirements set by each country in which they operate.

Services like Envoy Global offer solutions that can assist businesses in maintaining rigorous immigration and work permit compliance. These platforms provide tools and resources to manage and monitor the immigration status of employees effectively, ensuring that the company's operations remain within legal boundaries and avoid the consequences of non-compliance.

Employee vs. Independent Contractor

Navigating the distinction between employees and independent contractors is a critical compliance issue for businesses. Incorrect classification can result in substantial legal repercussions and financial liabilities.

To circumvent these risks, it is imperative to engage with legal advisors who specialize in employment law. They can provide valuable insights into local regulations and assist in determining the correct classification for each member of your workforce based on their roles and the nature of their work.

Utilizing platforms such as Gusto, which provides HR and payroll services, can further simplify the process. These platforms aid in managing and maintaining accurate employee classifications, ensuring that your business adheres to the legal standards and avoids penalties associated with misclassification.

Anti-Discrimination & Equal Opportunity Laws

Ensuring adherence to anti-discrimination and equal opportunity laws is a legal requirement and a moral imperative for businesses operating globally. It is essential to establish anti-discrimination policies that foster a diverse, inclusive, and equitable work environment.

To embed these values into the corporate culture, providing ongoing training to all employees is crucial. This training should aim to heighten awareness and facilitate a deeper understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion principles.

HR software solutions, such as BambooHR, can be instrumental in supporting these initiatives. They offer capabilities to track diversity metrics within your workforce and supply resources and best practices for nurturing an inclusive workplace. Such tools empower businesses to not only meet legal requirements but also to enrich their organizational culture and employee satisfaction.

Health and Safety Regulations

Maintaining the health and safety of a remote workforce remains a responsibility of the employer, even when employees are not on-premises. It is critical to establish and enforce health and safety policies that are applicable to remote work environments.

Employers should conduct regular evaluations of their employees' remote workspaces to identify and mitigate potential hazards. This not only ensures the well-being of employees but also aligns with occupational health and safety regulations.

To aid in these efforts, platforms like SafetySync offer resources to develop, implement, and manage health and safety protocols tailored to remote operations. Utilizing such platforms can help ensure that remote teams are working in environments that are secure and compliant with relevant health and safety standards.

Intellectual Property Protection

Safeguarding your company's intellectual property (IP) is essential for preserving its competitive advantage. It's important to establish explicit IP policies and confidentiality agreements that delineate the responsibilities of employees in protecting the company's assets.

Educating your workforce on these policies is as crucial as drafting them, ensuring that every team member is aware of their role in IP protection.

To bolster these efforts, using secure collaboration platforms such as Tresorit can be highly effective. These platforms are designed to safeguard sensitive company data, providing secure options for file sharing and storage that comply with IP protection standards, thereby minimizing the risk of unauthorized access or intellectual property breaches in a remote work setting.

Furthermore, Insightful’s Alerts feature can help detect insider threats in real time. 

Export Control & Trade Compliance

Managing export control and trade compliance is a complex but essential aspect of international business operations. It is imperative to establish comprehensive policies and procedures that ensure adherence to the myriad of export control laws and regulations.

Employees must be educated on the risks and restrictions associated with export control to prevent inadvertent violations. This training should cover the nuances of trade compliance and the importance of strict adherence to regulatory requirements.

To streamline these compliance processes, trade compliance management software such as Amber Road can be invaluable. Such software automates the export control checks and balances, facilitating consistent compliance with the relevant trade laws and reducing the risk of costly legal entanglements.

Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Laws

Staying clear of bribery and corruption is vital for maintaining integrity and trust in your business. You should establish robust anti-bribery and anti-corruption policies, ensuring that they are rigorously enforced across the organization.

Regular training sessions on ethical business conduct are critical. They help employees understand the importance of integrity in their actions and decision-making processes, equipping them with the knowledge to avoid unethical practices.

To support these initiatives, compliance software such as NAVEX Global's EthicsPoint can be instrumental. It assists in managing reports of misconduct and monitoring adherence to anti-bribery and anti-corruption regulations, fostering an ethical business environment and safeguarding your company's reputation.

Local Customs & Cultural Sensitivities

Operating with a global remote workforce requires an appreciation for the diverse cultural tapestry that employees bring to the table. It's important for a company to provide cross-cultural training and resources that foster respect and understanding of varying local customs and cultural nuances.

By leveraging e-learning platforms such as Udemy or Coursera, which offer a wealth of courses on cultural competency and sensitivity, employees can gain insights and skills necessary to effectively navigate and collaborate within diverse work environments. This kind of training is crucial not only for personal development but also for creating a cohesive and inclusive workplace culture.

Time Tracking and Record-Keeping

Time tracking and meticulous record-keeping are fundamental for compliance with various local labor laws, particularly when it comes to managing a remote workforce. While it's necessary to monitor employee activities to some extent, it's equally important to maintain a balance that respects privacy.

Ever wondered how to track employee internet usage without being invasive? Stealth computer monitoring software can make some uneasy, but accurate time tracking and record-keeping are essential for compliance with local labor laws.

To achieve this balance, consider using time tracking software computer tools like Insightful, which offer a non-invasive approach to monitor employee hours. Such tools enable employers to accurately record time spent on work-related activities, ensuring compliance with labor regulations without compromising the trust and privacy of their employees.

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Employee Monitoring

Avoiding Legal Pitfalls of Remote Work: Tips for Staying Compliant

Written by
Kendra Gaffin
Published on
November 7, 2023


Learn how to navigate employment laws across different countries, handle international taxation and social security, and ensure data privacy. Discover strategies for immigration compliance, proper employee classification, and creating an inclusive workplace. Get insights on protecting intellectual property, adhering to trade regulations, and implementing ethical business practices. Additionally, find out about employee monitoring software solutions that help maintain health and safety standards and facilitate accurate time tracking for your global remote team.

Read time: 6 minutes

The widespread shift to remote work has significantly impacted the business landscape, offering benefits such as increased productivity, improved work-life balance, and cost efficiency for both employers and employees.

However, this shift also brings a considerable responsibility for business owners to manage the complexities of legal compliance in remote work environments. It's crucial to address these challenges proactively to maintain a productive workforce and prevent potential legal issues.

This article will examine prevalent compliance challenges encountered by businesses with remote employees across various regions. We will offer guidance and strategies to ensure compliance, and discuss how employer tracking software can be a valuable asset in these efforts.

Employment Laws and Regulations

Employment laws and regulations present a complex challenge for businesses, especially when managing a remote workforce that spans multiple countries. Each jurisdiction has its own set of rules governing labor practices, including minimum wage standards, overtime pay, mandatory paid leave, and workers' compensation requirements.

To navigate this complex legal landscape, it's imperative for employers to actively monitor their remote employees to ensure adherence to the specific labor laws of each country where their employees reside. This involves a vigilant approach to tracking work hours, managing compensation, and understanding local labor rights.

Establishing a thorough understanding of these diverse legal frameworks is crucial. It requires businesses to not only conduct initial research but also to engage in ongoing education to keep abreast of changes in labor legislation. Updating company policies to reflect these laws is not a one-time task but a continuous process that can safeguard your business against non-compliance risks.

Creating a robust and legally sound structure for your remote workforce involves crafting detailed work policies, setting clear expectations for work hours, compensating overtime as required by local laws, and ensuring all remote employees have the necessary resources and support to fulfill their roles effectively within the legal parameters.

Monitoring work from home employees is essential to ensuring compliance with local labor laws, such as minimum wage, overtime, paid leave, and workers' compensation. 

Mastering Taxation and Social Security

Understanding and managing international taxation and social security obligations is a critical aspect of running a global remote team. The complexities of cross-border tax laws and social security arrangements require careful navigation and expert knowledge to ensure full compliance.

Engaging with specialists in taxation and payroll is not just recommended but essential. These professionals can provide the necessary guidance to accurately withhold the correct amount of taxes and social security contributions for each jurisdiction. This proactive consultation helps to prevent any inadvertent missteps that could lead to financial penalties or legal issues.

Utilizing platforms like Remote and Deel can significantly streamline this aspect of workforce management. These platforms are designed to automate the intricate calculations and payment processes associated with international taxation and social security, minimizing the risk of errors. By leveraging such tools, employers can ensure their tax obligations are handled efficiently and correctly, providing peace of mind and allowing them to focus on core business activities.

Data Privacy and Protection

Data privacy and protection are critical elements in maintaining the confidence of both employees and customers. Compliance with data protection regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union, is non-negotiable for businesses operating across international borders.

To align with these requirements, companies must develop and enforce stringent data protection protocols. This includes understanding the scope of data privacy laws, handling personal data responsibly, and ensuring that data is secured against unauthorized access.

Using an employee monitoring platform like Insightful can be instrumental in adhering to these data protection regulations. Such platforms are designed to support businesses in implementing data privacy and security best practices while maintaining transparency with their workforce about data monitoring policies.

It's imperative for businesses to take these steps seriously to avoid the reputational damage and financial losses associated with data breaches. A proactive stance on data privacy not only complies with legal standards but also reinforces a company’s commitment to safeguarding sensitive information.

Immigration and Work Permits

Immigration compliance is a crucial factor when hiring and managing a remote global team. Hiring an ideal candidate without the necessary work permit or visa can lead to significant legal issues for both the employee and the company.

To prevent such situations, it is essential for businesses to verify the immigration status and work authorization of their employees routinely. This includes keeping track of visa expiration dates, understanding the conditions of work permits, and adhering to the reporting requirements set by each country in which they operate.

Services like Envoy Global offer solutions that can assist businesses in maintaining rigorous immigration and work permit compliance. These platforms provide tools and resources to manage and monitor the immigration status of employees effectively, ensuring that the company's operations remain within legal boundaries and avoid the consequences of non-compliance.

Employee vs. Independent Contractor

Navigating the distinction between employees and independent contractors is a critical compliance issue for businesses. Incorrect classification can result in substantial legal repercussions and financial liabilities.

To circumvent these risks, it is imperative to engage with legal advisors who specialize in employment law. They can provide valuable insights into local regulations and assist in determining the correct classification for each member of your workforce based on their roles and the nature of their work.

Utilizing platforms such as Gusto, which provides HR and payroll services, can further simplify the process. These platforms aid in managing and maintaining accurate employee classifications, ensuring that your business adheres to the legal standards and avoids penalties associated with misclassification.

Anti-Discrimination & Equal Opportunity Laws

Ensuring adherence to anti-discrimination and equal opportunity laws is a legal requirement and a moral imperative for businesses operating globally. It is essential to establish anti-discrimination policies that foster a diverse, inclusive, and equitable work environment.

To embed these values into the corporate culture, providing ongoing training to all employees is crucial. This training should aim to heighten awareness and facilitate a deeper understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion principles.

HR software solutions, such as BambooHR, can be instrumental in supporting these initiatives. They offer capabilities to track diversity metrics within your workforce and supply resources and best practices for nurturing an inclusive workplace. Such tools empower businesses to not only meet legal requirements but also to enrich their organizational culture and employee satisfaction.

Health and Safety Regulations

Maintaining the health and safety of a remote workforce remains a responsibility of the employer, even when employees are not on-premises. It is critical to establish and enforce health and safety policies that are applicable to remote work environments.

Employers should conduct regular evaluations of their employees' remote workspaces to identify and mitigate potential hazards. This not only ensures the well-being of employees but also aligns with occupational health and safety regulations.

To aid in these efforts, platforms like SafetySync offer resources to develop, implement, and manage health and safety protocols tailored to remote operations. Utilizing such platforms can help ensure that remote teams are working in environments that are secure and compliant with relevant health and safety standards.

Intellectual Property Protection

Safeguarding your company's intellectual property (IP) is essential for preserving its competitive advantage. It's important to establish explicit IP policies and confidentiality agreements that delineate the responsibilities of employees in protecting the company's assets.

Educating your workforce on these policies is as crucial as drafting them, ensuring that every team member is aware of their role in IP protection.

To bolster these efforts, using secure collaboration platforms such as Tresorit can be highly effective. These platforms are designed to safeguard sensitive company data, providing secure options for file sharing and storage that comply with IP protection standards, thereby minimizing the risk of unauthorized access or intellectual property breaches in a remote work setting.

Furthermore, Insightful’s Alerts feature can help detect insider threats in real time. 

Export Control & Trade Compliance

Managing export control and trade compliance is a complex but essential aspect of international business operations. It is imperative to establish comprehensive policies and procedures that ensure adherence to the myriad of export control laws and regulations.

Employees must be educated on the risks and restrictions associated with export control to prevent inadvertent violations. This training should cover the nuances of trade compliance and the importance of strict adherence to regulatory requirements.

To streamline these compliance processes, trade compliance management software such as Amber Road can be invaluable. Such software automates the export control checks and balances, facilitating consistent compliance with the relevant trade laws and reducing the risk of costly legal entanglements.

Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Laws

Staying clear of bribery and corruption is vital for maintaining integrity and trust in your business. You should establish robust anti-bribery and anti-corruption policies, ensuring that they are rigorously enforced across the organization.

Regular training sessions on ethical business conduct are critical. They help employees understand the importance of integrity in their actions and decision-making processes, equipping them with the knowledge to avoid unethical practices.

To support these initiatives, compliance software such as NAVEX Global's EthicsPoint can be instrumental. It assists in managing reports of misconduct and monitoring adherence to anti-bribery and anti-corruption regulations, fostering an ethical business environment and safeguarding your company's reputation.

Local Customs & Cultural Sensitivities

Operating with a global remote workforce requires an appreciation for the diverse cultural tapestry that employees bring to the table. It's important for a company to provide cross-cultural training and resources that foster respect and understanding of varying local customs and cultural nuances.

By leveraging e-learning platforms such as Udemy or Coursera, which offer a wealth of courses on cultural competency and sensitivity, employees can gain insights and skills necessary to effectively navigate and collaborate within diverse work environments. This kind of training is crucial not only for personal development but also for creating a cohesive and inclusive workplace culture.

Time Tracking and Record-Keeping

Time tracking and meticulous record-keeping are fundamental for compliance with various local labor laws, particularly when it comes to managing a remote workforce. While it's necessary to monitor employee activities to some extent, it's equally important to maintain a balance that respects privacy.

Ever wondered how to track employee internet usage without being invasive? Stealth computer monitoring software can make some uneasy, but accurate time tracking and record-keeping are essential for compliance with local labor laws.

To achieve this balance, consider using time tracking software computer tools like Insightful, which offer a non-invasive approach to monitor employee hours. Such tools enable employers to accurately record time spent on work-related activities, ensuring compliance with labor regulations without compromising the trust and privacy of their employees.