Workpuls Teramind ActivTrak Hubstaff DeskTime Time Doctor RescueTime Kickidler Veriato Work Examiner
Price $6/user/month $6/user/month $7.20/user/month $7/user/month $7/user/month $9.99/user/month $6/user/month $9.99/user/month $150/licence/year $60/licence (lifetime)
Free trial 7 days 7 days No 14 days 14 days 14 days 30 days 7 days Yes 30 days
Ease of use Very easy Difficult Very easy Easy Easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very difficult Easy
Unlimited (tracker working 24/7)
Fixed (defined working hours)
Automatic (when computer is connected to a specified network)
Manual (start/stop)
Project based (track time only on projects)
Stealth mode
App and website usage
Real-time monitoring
Offline time tracking
Activity levels
Remote desktop control
Website/activity blocking
Screenshots on demand
Screen recording
Productivity trends
Websites and apps labeling
Category labeling
Productivity alerts
User behavior analytics
Data loss prevention
Advanced file and web monitoring
Productivity reports
Team reports
Email reports
Access management
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
Mobile app iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android Android
Browser extension Chrome Chrome Chrome
Other Citrix, VMware Chrome OS
Support Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Email, online Phone, email, online, in-person Online Phone, email, online Email, online, Viber, Whatsapp Phone, email, online, support ticket Phone, email, online
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Integrations comming soon
Deployment cloud, on-premise cloud, on-premise, AWS, Azure cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud on-premise cloud, on-premise on-premise
Kronos Humanity Timeclockplus Tsheets Wheniwork Deputy Replicon Jibble EbilityTimeTracker OnTheClock BeeBole
Price(per month)Available upon requestFrom $2 per userAvailable upon requestFrom $6.40 per user+$16Free for up to 75 usersFrom $2.50 per userBasic plan:$30 for 5 users+$5 per additional userFrom $1.50 per employeeFrom $4 per user+$8From $2.20 per user$5.99 per user per month
Free trial30 days14 daysYes14 days14 days14 days30 days30 days,no credit card required
Ease of useDifficultEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyEasy
Timecard management
Shift Trading
Break time management
Real-time tracking
PTO Management
Client billing
GPS tracking
Clock out reminders
Manual time
Web app
Mobile app
Time clock device
Time clock kiosk
Facial recognition
Fingerprint scanning
Group punch-in
Visual reports
Email reports
Time rounding
Manager approvals
Add time for others
Android app
iOS app
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
SupportPhone and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,chat and onlinePhone and chatEmail and onlineChat and phonePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlineOnline chat and video support in English,French,and Spanish
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Community forum

In the era of remote working, organizations are relying more and more on remote desktop services to keep business operations running smoothly. 

However, this shift poses new challenges, notably in the realm of security and employee tracking. It is where remote desktop monitoring, monitoring RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol), and real-time screen monitoring software come into play.

Overcoming Remote Work Obstacles

The shift towards remote work brings forth several challenges, particularly in managing security, tracking employee productivity, and maintaining IT infrastructure. Here are some of the most notable challenges:

  • Cybersecurity: With employees accessing company data and resources outside the secure office environment, the risk of cyber threats significantly increases. Remote desktop connections can potentially be exploited by hackers if not properly secured.

  • Data Privacy and Protection: In a remote work setting, sensitive company data might be accessed and stored on personal devices or unsecured networks. This can increase the risk of data leaks and breaches, resulting in significant financial and reputational damage.

  • Employee Monitoring and Productivity: Keeping track of employee productivity becomes challenging in a remote work environment. Managers may find it difficult to measure and evaluate the performance of remote employees due to lack of visibility and direct supervision.

  • Managing IT Infrastructure: IT departments need to manage a much larger and more complex infrastructure with the shift to remote work, which often includes personal devices and diverse operating systems.

  • Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) Security: RDP is a widely-used tool for enabling remote work, but unsecured RDP sessions can become an entry point for cybercriminals. Monitoring and securing these sessions become a critical task.

  • Software and Hardware Management: Keeping track of software licenses and hardware use across a remote workforce can be complex and time-consuming. It's essential to maintain software compliance and manage hardware effectively.

  • Network Performance: With an increase in remote connections, the network may suffer from performance issues. Overseeing and optimizing the network performance for a vast number of remote connections becomes a significant task for IT administrators.

Remote desktop user activity monitoring serves as a key aspect of an organization's cybersecurity strategy. By monitoring remote desktop sessions, IT teams can ensure that all connections and activities adhere to the company's security policies and standards.

In addition to enhancing security, remote desktop monitoring plays a significant role in employee tracking. By observing how employees use their time and resources, companies can identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, or potential areas of concern. Moreover, this data can contribute to performance assessments, staff development initiatives, and overall business planning.

Monitoring RDP and Remote Desktop Services

What is Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)?

The Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is a proprietary protocol developed by Microsoft that allows a user to connect to another computer over a network connection in a secure manner. It provides users with a graphical interface to interact with another computer over a network connection.

Essentially, RDP lets a user control and use another computer remotely. This is particularly useful for IT professionals who need to access and manage machines remotely, troubleshoot issues, or run applications on a different computer than the one they're physically using.

RDP is also commonly used in remote work scenarios where employees need to access their office desktops from home or other locations. Despite its usefulness, RDP can pose security risks if not properly managed and secured, such as becoming a potential entry point for cyber attacks. Monitoring RDP is crucial to prevent unauthorized access and potential data breaches.

To monitor remote desktop services effectively, organizations need robust monitoring tools that provide comprehensive visibility into all RDP sessions. This includes tracking login and logout times, idle sessions, active and passive sessions, and more.

Monitoring Remote Desktop Sessions

One common approach to monitoring remote desktop sessions is through screen spying software or screen monitoring tools. These tools provide IT teams with real-time visibility into what's happening on each remote desktop. They allow for timely detection and response to suspicious activities, which is critical for preventing potential cyber threats.

What does it look like in practice?

Consider a global organization with employees spread across several continents. To maintain business continuity and productivity, the company allows employees to work remotely, accessing the company's resources via remote desktop connections.

The IT team uses monitoring software specifically designed for remote desktop sessions. This software enables the team to observe the activities taking place on each remote desktop in real-time. They can track which applications are being accessed and what data is being transferred. The tool also acts as internet monitoring software for business, allowing managers to oversee employees' online activities.

One day, the monitoring software alerts the IT team to an unusual pattern of behavior on one of the remote desktops. An employee based in a remote location was found to be downloading large amounts of data from the company server, well beyond what was required for their role. This activity took place outside of the employee's usual working hours, which raised further suspicions.

With this information at hand, the IT team was able to promptly investigate. They reached out to the employee and determined that the employee's credentials had been compromised. The employee had unknowingly clicked on a phishing link and provided their login credentials to an unauthorized third party.

The IT team immediately took action to secure the compromised account, changing the login credentials and conducting a thorough security audit to ensure no malware had been installed on the remote desktop. This prompt action prevented a significant data breach and potential loss of sensitive company information.

Without the real-time monitoring of remote desktop sessions, this unusual activity may not have been detected until much later, and the consequences could have been far more damaging. The remote desktop monitoring software allowed the corporation to mitigate a serious security threat promptly.

This highlights how critical remote desktop session monitoring can be in maintaining the security and integrity of an organization's data, especially when employees are accessing company resources remotely.

The Role of Screen Monitoring and Screenshot Monitoring Software

In-depth monitoring often requires specialized tools such as screenshot monitoring software or a screen monitor app. These tools can capture and store screenshots at regular intervals or in response to specific triggers. The screenshots serve as a visual record of each remote desktop session, which can be invaluable during security audits or investigations.

Real-time screen monitoring and live screen monitoring software offer additional layers of visibility and control. These tools enable IT teams to view desktop screens in real-time, allowing them to detect and respond to suspicious or unauthorized activities immediately.

Ensuring Employee Productivity with Real-time Screen Monitoring Software

Beyond security, remote work poses challenges in employee monitoring and productivity tracking. Traditional office settings provide a degree of visibility into employee activities that is difficult to replicate in a remote environment.

Real-time screen capture monitoring software bridges this gap. It allows managers to view employee screens in real time, track task progress, and gauge productivity levels. Moreover, the software can offer insights into application and website usage, helping businesses understand how work time is spent and identify potential areas for productivity improvement.

It's worth noting that the use of employee screenshot monitoring should be accompanied by transparent policies and respect for employee privacy. When implemented effectively, it can be a powerful tool to ensure accountability, maintain productivity, and provide support in a remote work setup.

Remote desktop monitoring, RDP monitoring, and real-time screen monitoring software are crucial for businesses navigating the challenges of remote work. These technologies provide the necessary tools to maintain network security, ensure data protection, and monitor employee productivity, proving integral to the successful execution of remote operations.

Harnessing Remote Monitoring for Secure and Efficient Workplaces with Insightful

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, the utilization of remote desktop monitoring, employee tracking, and screen monitoring tools has become crucial in preserving operational efficiency and system security. 

Leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as real-time screen monitoring and screenshot tracking software allows organizations to efficiently observe remote desktop activities and protect their critical data.

However, it's essential to underline that the goal isn't to encroach upon employee privacy. Instead, it's about fortifying a safe, efficient, and productive work environment for all. With remote work practices becoming more commonplace, the need for robust, comprehensive screen monitor software and employee monitoring software screenshots is set to grow exponentially. As such, it's paramount for businesses to remain informed and prepared to integrate these technologies for their advantage.

Insightful's desktop monitoring software is designed to meet these emerging needs, offering an optimal blend of productivity tracking, security enhancement, and respect for user privacy. Its capabilities go beyond basic screen monitoring by providing holistic insights into user activities and system health, thus enabling businesses to establish a secure, effective, and conducive environment for their remote teams.

By understanding how to monitor remote desktop activity, organizations can effectively monitor remote desktop activity with tools like Insightful, and strike a perfect balance between productivity, security, and privacy. This harmony is the key to building an effective remote work model that caters to the needs of the modern workplace.

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Remote Work Management

Optimizing Security with Remote Desktop Monitoring: A Comprehensive Guide

Written by
Kendra Gaffin
Published on
June 28, 2023

In the era of remote working, organizations are relying more and more on remote desktop services to keep business operations running smoothly. 

However, this shift poses new challenges, notably in the realm of security and employee tracking. It is where remote desktop monitoring, monitoring RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol), and real-time screen monitoring software come into play.

Overcoming Remote Work Obstacles

The shift towards remote work brings forth several challenges, particularly in managing security, tracking employee productivity, and maintaining IT infrastructure. Here are some of the most notable challenges:

  • Cybersecurity: With employees accessing company data and resources outside the secure office environment, the risk of cyber threats significantly increases. Remote desktop connections can potentially be exploited by hackers if not properly secured.

  • Data Privacy and Protection: In a remote work setting, sensitive company data might be accessed and stored on personal devices or unsecured networks. This can increase the risk of data leaks and breaches, resulting in significant financial and reputational damage.

  • Employee Monitoring and Productivity: Keeping track of employee productivity becomes challenging in a remote work environment. Managers may find it difficult to measure and evaluate the performance of remote employees due to lack of visibility and direct supervision.

  • Managing IT Infrastructure: IT departments need to manage a much larger and more complex infrastructure with the shift to remote work, which often includes personal devices and diverse operating systems.

  • Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) Security: RDP is a widely-used tool for enabling remote work, but unsecured RDP sessions can become an entry point for cybercriminals. Monitoring and securing these sessions become a critical task.

  • Software and Hardware Management: Keeping track of software licenses and hardware use across a remote workforce can be complex and time-consuming. It's essential to maintain software compliance and manage hardware effectively.

  • Network Performance: With an increase in remote connections, the network may suffer from performance issues. Overseeing and optimizing the network performance for a vast number of remote connections becomes a significant task for IT administrators.

Remote desktop user activity monitoring serves as a key aspect of an organization's cybersecurity strategy. By monitoring remote desktop sessions, IT teams can ensure that all connections and activities adhere to the company's security policies and standards.

In addition to enhancing security, remote desktop monitoring plays a significant role in employee tracking. By observing how employees use their time and resources, companies can identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, or potential areas of concern. Moreover, this data can contribute to performance assessments, staff development initiatives, and overall business planning.

Monitoring RDP and Remote Desktop Services

What is Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)?

The Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is a proprietary protocol developed by Microsoft that allows a user to connect to another computer over a network connection in a secure manner. It provides users with a graphical interface to interact with another computer over a network connection.

Essentially, RDP lets a user control and use another computer remotely. This is particularly useful for IT professionals who need to access and manage machines remotely, troubleshoot issues, or run applications on a different computer than the one they're physically using.

RDP is also commonly used in remote work scenarios where employees need to access their office desktops from home or other locations. Despite its usefulness, RDP can pose security risks if not properly managed and secured, such as becoming a potential entry point for cyber attacks. Monitoring RDP is crucial to prevent unauthorized access and potential data breaches.

To monitor remote desktop services effectively, organizations need robust monitoring tools that provide comprehensive visibility into all RDP sessions. This includes tracking login and logout times, idle sessions, active and passive sessions, and more.

Monitoring Remote Desktop Sessions

One common approach to monitoring remote desktop sessions is through screen spying software or screen monitoring tools. These tools provide IT teams with real-time visibility into what's happening on each remote desktop. They allow for timely detection and response to suspicious activities, which is critical for preventing potential cyber threats.

What does it look like in practice?

Consider a global organization with employees spread across several continents. To maintain business continuity and productivity, the company allows employees to work remotely, accessing the company's resources via remote desktop connections.

The IT team uses monitoring software specifically designed for remote desktop sessions. This software enables the team to observe the activities taking place on each remote desktop in real-time. They can track which applications are being accessed and what data is being transferred. The tool also acts as internet monitoring software for business, allowing managers to oversee employees' online activities.

One day, the monitoring software alerts the IT team to an unusual pattern of behavior on one of the remote desktops. An employee based in a remote location was found to be downloading large amounts of data from the company server, well beyond what was required for their role. This activity took place outside of the employee's usual working hours, which raised further suspicions.

With this information at hand, the IT team was able to promptly investigate. They reached out to the employee and determined that the employee's credentials had been compromised. The employee had unknowingly clicked on a phishing link and provided their login credentials to an unauthorized third party.

The IT team immediately took action to secure the compromised account, changing the login credentials and conducting a thorough security audit to ensure no malware had been installed on the remote desktop. This prompt action prevented a significant data breach and potential loss of sensitive company information.

Without the real-time monitoring of remote desktop sessions, this unusual activity may not have been detected until much later, and the consequences could have been far more damaging. The remote desktop monitoring software allowed the corporation to mitigate a serious security threat promptly.

This highlights how critical remote desktop session monitoring can be in maintaining the security and integrity of an organization's data, especially when employees are accessing company resources remotely.

The Role of Screen Monitoring and Screenshot Monitoring Software

In-depth monitoring often requires specialized tools such as screenshot monitoring software or a screen monitor app. These tools can capture and store screenshots at regular intervals or in response to specific triggers. The screenshots serve as a visual record of each remote desktop session, which can be invaluable during security audits or investigations.

Real-time screen monitoring and live screen monitoring software offer additional layers of visibility and control. These tools enable IT teams to view desktop screens in real-time, allowing them to detect and respond to suspicious or unauthorized activities immediately.

Ensuring Employee Productivity with Real-time Screen Monitoring Software

Beyond security, remote work poses challenges in employee monitoring and productivity tracking. Traditional office settings provide a degree of visibility into employee activities that is difficult to replicate in a remote environment.

Real-time screen capture monitoring software bridges this gap. It allows managers to view employee screens in real time, track task progress, and gauge productivity levels. Moreover, the software can offer insights into application and website usage, helping businesses understand how work time is spent and identify potential areas for productivity improvement.

It's worth noting that the use of employee screenshot monitoring should be accompanied by transparent policies and respect for employee privacy. When implemented effectively, it can be a powerful tool to ensure accountability, maintain productivity, and provide support in a remote work setup.

Remote desktop monitoring, RDP monitoring, and real-time screen monitoring software are crucial for businesses navigating the challenges of remote work. These technologies provide the necessary tools to maintain network security, ensure data protection, and monitor employee productivity, proving integral to the successful execution of remote operations.

Harnessing Remote Monitoring for Secure and Efficient Workplaces with Insightful

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, the utilization of remote desktop monitoring, employee tracking, and screen monitoring tools has become crucial in preserving operational efficiency and system security. 

Leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as real-time screen monitoring and screenshot tracking software allows organizations to efficiently observe remote desktop activities and protect their critical data.

However, it's essential to underline that the goal isn't to encroach upon employee privacy. Instead, it's about fortifying a safe, efficient, and productive work environment for all. With remote work practices becoming more commonplace, the need for robust, comprehensive screen monitor software and employee monitoring software screenshots is set to grow exponentially. As such, it's paramount for businesses to remain informed and prepared to integrate these technologies for their advantage.

Insightful's desktop monitoring software is designed to meet these emerging needs, offering an optimal blend of productivity tracking, security enhancement, and respect for user privacy. Its capabilities go beyond basic screen monitoring by providing holistic insights into user activities and system health, thus enabling businesses to establish a secure, effective, and conducive environment for their remote teams.

By understanding how to monitor remote desktop activity, organizations can effectively monitor remote desktop activity with tools like Insightful, and strike a perfect balance between productivity, security, and privacy. This harmony is the key to building an effective remote work model that caters to the needs of the modern workplace.