Workpuls Teramind ActivTrak Hubstaff DeskTime Time Doctor RescueTime Kickidler Veriato Work Examiner
Price $6/user/month $6/user/month $7.20/user/month $7/user/month $7/user/month $9.99/user/month $6/user/month $9.99/user/month $150/licence/year $60/licence (lifetime)
Free trial 7 days 7 days No 14 days 14 days 14 days 30 days 7 days Yes 30 days
Ease of use Very easy Difficult Very easy Easy Easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very difficult Easy
Unlimited (tracker working 24/7)
Fixed (defined working hours)
Automatic (when computer is connected to a specified network)
Manual (start/stop)
Project based (track time only on projects)
Stealth mode
App and website usage
Real-time monitoring
Offline time tracking
Activity levels
Remote desktop control
Website/activity blocking
Screenshots on demand
Screen recording
Productivity trends
Websites and apps labeling
Category labeling
Productivity alerts
User behavior analytics
Data loss prevention
Advanced file and web monitoring
Productivity reports
Team reports
Email reports
Access management
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
Mobile app iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android Android
Browser extension Chrome Chrome Chrome
Other Citrix, VMware Chrome OS
Support Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Email, online Phone, email, online, in-person Online Phone, email, online Email, online, Viber, Whatsapp Phone, email, online, support ticket Phone, email, online
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Integrations comming soon
Deployment cloud, on-premise cloud, on-premise, AWS, Azure cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud on-premise cloud, on-premise on-premise
Kronos Humanity Timeclockplus Tsheets Wheniwork Deputy Replicon Jibble EbilityTimeTracker OnTheClock BeeBole
Price(per month)Available upon requestFrom $2 per userAvailable upon requestFrom $6.40 per user+$16Free for up to 75 usersFrom $2.50 per userBasic plan:$30 for 5 users+$5 per additional userFrom $1.50 per employeeFrom $4 per user+$8From $2.20 per user$5.99 per user per month
Free trial30 days14 daysYes14 days14 days14 days30 days30 days,no credit card required
Ease of useDifficultEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyEasy
Timecard management
Shift Trading
Break time management
Real-time tracking
PTO Management
Client billing
GPS tracking
Clock out reminders
Manual time
Web app
Mobile app
Time clock device
Time clock kiosk
Facial recognition
Fingerprint scanning
Group punch-in
Visual reports
Email reports
Time rounding
Manager approvals
Add time for others
Android app
iOS app
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
SupportPhone and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,chat and onlinePhone and chatEmail and onlineChat and phonePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlineOnline chat and video support in English,French,and Spanish
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Community forum


Employees’ monitoring in the modern digital age offers businesses advanced tools that once seemed like science fiction. These innovations, while enhancing productivity, come with their own set of privacy challenges. Addressing five frequently asked questions, the discussion covers functionalities of monitoring software, legal and ethical concerns, the importance of balanced implementation, and the overall influence on productivity. Navigating this balance between technological benefits and human privacy remains pivotal for companies.

Read time: 8 minutes

Table of Contents:

  • What is Employee Monitoring?
  • How Does Employee Monitoring Software Work?
  • Is Employee Monitoring Legal?
  • How Much Monitoring of Employee Activities at Work is Appropriate?
  • Does Employee Monitoring Increase Productivity?
  • Insightful’s Modern Employee Monitoring Software

As we step further into the digital age, employee monitoring has become an increasingly prevalent practice in businesses worldwide. 

With advancements in technology, employers have tools at their disposal that, just a few years ago, seemed like science fiction. 

But as with any potent tool, the key lies in how it's used. In the realm of employee monitor software, the balance between productivity and privacy stands at the forefront of discussions.

What is Employee Monitoring?

Employee monitoring encompasses the techniques employers use to assess their employees' work behaviors. In past eras, this was primarily done through direct supervision or basic time logs. But modern technology has dramatically expanded these methods, allowing employers to gather intricate data, from application usage and online browsing patterns to time spent on tasks and peak productivity periods.

With these advanced tools, employers can gain invaluable insights into workflow patterns, team efficiencies, and even individual performance metrics. By analyzing such data, organizations can optimize work processes, boost team engagement, and identify areas of inefficiency.

However, this technological advancement is not without its challenges. While businesses have unprecedented access to data that can drive productivity, there's an ever-present risk of crossing the boundary into privacy invasion, making it imperative to strike a balance between genuine oversight and respecting employee autonomy.

How Does Employee Monitoring Software Work?

Employee monitoring software is a technologically advanced solution that provides employers with a comprehensive view of their employees' activities during work hours. These tools serve multiple purposes, from enhancing productivity to ensuring data security.

Key Features of Employee Monitoring Software:

Screen Recording

  • Functionality: Captures live snapshots or videos of an employee's computer screen.

  • Use Cases: Monitoring the progress of tasks, ensuring that sensitive information is not mishandled, training purposes, or reviewing work sequences for quality assurance.

  • Benefits: Real-time visibility into the tasks being performed, which can aid in troubleshooting, training, and process improvements.

Keystroke Logging

  • Functionality: Logs every key pressed on an individual's keyboard.

  • Use Cases: Monitoring data entry roles, ensuring accuracy in tasks, or detecting suspicious activities.

  • Concerns: It's one of the more controversial features due to the potential invasion of privacy, especially if personal communications are inadvertently captured. Employers must navigate this with care and clear policies.

App Usage Tracking

  • Functionality: Monitors and records the duration for which various applications are used on an employee's device.

  • Use Cases: Discovering which tools enhance productivity and which serve as distractions. Also helps in license management by identifying rarely used licensed software.

  • Benefits: Provides insights into an employee's work habits, helps in optimizing software licenses, and can be a basis for training recommendations.

While the capabilities of employee monitoring software are vast and can bring about significant operational benefits, it's essential to implement them responsibly. Ensuring transparency with employees about what is being monitored, why, and how the data will be used is crucial to maintaining trust and adhering to ethical and legal standards.

Is Employee Monitoring Legal?

The concept of employee monitoring sits at the intersection of workplace efficiency and individual privacy, leading to varied legal standards worldwide.

Jurisdictional Differences

Employee monitoring laws are not universally consistent. Different countries and regions have established laws based on their cultural values, historical precedents, and societal priorities. For instance, European countries operating under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) have stringent rules about personal data collection and processing, which directly impact employee monitoring practices.

Company Property vs. Personal Property

In most jurisdictions, employers have a legal standing to monitor the activities that transpire on devices and networks they own. This is rooted in the notion that employers should ensure that company resources are being used effectively and ethically. If an employee is using a company computer, the expectation of privacy may be diminished, but not entirely eradicated.

The Obligation to Inform

It's a common requirement worldwide for employers to inform employees if and how they are being monitored. Transparent communication is crucial. This might be done through employment contracts, company handbooks, or specific monitoring policy documents. Employees should be aware of what's being monitored, the tools used, the data's retention period, and the purpose behind such monitoring.

Blurred Lines with Personal Devices

The advent of 'Bring Your Own Device' (BYOD) policies in workplaces complicates matters. When personal and work activities converge on a single device, delineating professional from personal becomes challenging. For instance, is it appropriate for employers to access personal photos, emails, or messages on a device also used for work? These ambiguities can lead to significant ethical and legal quandaries.

Ethical Considerations

Even if certain monitoring practices are legal, they might not always be ethical. Reading an employee's personal email, even if it's on a company device, might be seen as intrusive and could erode trust within the organization. Businesses must weigh the benefits of monitoring against potential morale and trust issues.

While the legal landscape provides a framework for employee monitoring, companies must also consider ethical implications and the potential impact on their corporate culture. Employers are encouraged to consult with legal experts within their specific jurisdictions to ensure their monitoring practices are both lawful and respectful of employee rights.

How Much Monitoring of Employee Activities at Work is Appropriate?

The ability to monitor employee activities has magnified, but so have concerns about privacy and trust. Drawing a clear line between useful oversight and over-surveillance is pivotal for businesses aiming for a harmonious, productive environment.

The Purpose Behind Monitoring

The primary factor that determines the appropriateness of monitoring is its intent. If the goal is to foster a better understanding of workflows, identify bottlenecks, or ensure data security, then monitoring can be seen as constructive. However, if the sole intent is to catch employees out or micromanage, it's more likely to be perceived negatively.

Psychological Impacts

While technology makes monitoring easy, the psychological toll shouldn't be underestimated. Continual surveillance can create a pressurized environment. Employees might feel they are under constant scrutiny, which could stifle creativity, induce stress, and lead to burnout. Rather than enhancing productivity, over-monitoring might, paradoxically, hamper it.

Trust and Morale

A key cornerstone of any successful organization is the mutual trust between employees and management. If staff feel their every move is being watched and analyzed, it can suggest a lack of trust from their superiors. This sentiment can affect team cohesion, loyalty to the company, and overall job satisfaction.

Transparent Communication

One of the most effective ways to mitigate the potential downsides of monitoring is through open communication. By being transparent about what is being tracked, how the information is used, and its relevance to business objectives, employers can alleviate many concerns employees might have. Moreover, giving employees access to their own data can be empowering, allowing them to self-reflect on their performance.

Constructive vs. Punitive Approaches

Data gathered through monitoring should ideally be used to provide employees with constructive feedback, help in personal development, and identify areas for training or process improvement. If the monitoring results are continually used to reprimand or punish, it can create an atmosphere of fear, which is detrimental to both the individual and the organization.

Regular Assessments

As businesses evolve, so too should their monitoring practices. Regularly revisiting and assessing these strategies ensures they stay relevant and in tune with both the company's objectives and the well-being of its employees.

While monitoring can provide invaluable insights into business operations, it's the human-centric approach to its implementation and interpretation that determines its success. Businesses must weigh technological capabilities against human needs, ensuring that the pursuit of efficiency doesn't compromise the foundational values of trust and respect.

Does Employee Monitoring Increase Productivity?

Employee monitoring has been a contentious topic in the world of business, with opinions varying about its efficacy in enhancing productivity. Recent data suggests that employee monitoring software can ramp up productivity by an impressive 46%. However, as with many tools and strategies, its success depends not just on its existence, but also on its execution.

When implemented correctly, monitoring can have several benefits:

  • Accountability and Focus: Aware that their work is being observed, employees might be more diligent, minimizing personal browsing or other off-task behaviors. This awareness can naturally drive a surge in focus and output.

  • Feedback and Training: Monitoring tools can provide tangible data that managers can use to give constructive feedback. If an employee spends too much time on a particular task, it could highlight areas where they need additional training or resources.

  • Streamlined Workflows: With the right tools, it's easier to identify bottlenecks or inefficient processes. This can lead to more streamlined operations and reduced wasted time.

Insightful’s Modern Employee Monitoring Software

In the evolving landscape of business, employee monitoring remains a hot-button issue. Despite the debate, recent data is illuminating: tools like those offered by Insightful’s employee monitoring and hour tracker app can spearhead a substantial productivity increase. However, the tool's true merit isn't just in its capability, but in its application.

Insightful's real-time monitoring ensures employees remain accountable and focused. The continuous observation ensures a heightened sense of diligence among staff, naturally curbing distractions like casual web browsing and, in turn, bolstering overall output. 

The benefits of Insightful don't stop at mere observation. The data-driven insights it provides empower managers to offer precise, actionable feedback grounded in actual performance metrics. By pinpointing tasks where an employee might be spending excess time, Insightful flags areas ripe for additional training or resource allocation. This targeted feedback, as opposed to generic commentary, nurtures personal growth and fosters a conducive environment for employee development.

Furthermore, Insightful stands out in workflow optimization. Its advanced analytics swiftly identify bottlenecks, offering real-time solutions for operational inefficiencies. By meticulously analyzing task patterns and durations, it highlights processes that might be inadvertently slowing down productivity. Equipped with this knowledge, companies can strategically streamline their operations, ensuring smoother workflows and minimizing wasted time. 

In a nutshell, Insightful offers far more than mere monitoring. It’s a comprehensive tool that provides an in-depth view of employee activities, arming managers with the insights needed to enhance growth, efficiency, and overall business performance.

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Employee Monitoring

Employee Monitoring in the Modern Workplace: 5 Most Frequently Asked Questions

Written by
Kendra Gaffin
Published on
October 9, 2023


Employees’ monitoring in the modern digital age offers businesses advanced tools that once seemed like science fiction. These innovations, while enhancing productivity, come with their own set of privacy challenges. Addressing five frequently asked questions, the discussion covers functionalities of monitoring software, legal and ethical concerns, the importance of balanced implementation, and the overall influence on productivity. Navigating this balance between technological benefits and human privacy remains pivotal for companies.

Read time: 8 minutes

Table of Contents:

  • What is Employee Monitoring?
  • How Does Employee Monitoring Software Work?
  • Is Employee Monitoring Legal?
  • How Much Monitoring of Employee Activities at Work is Appropriate?
  • Does Employee Monitoring Increase Productivity?
  • Insightful’s Modern Employee Monitoring Software

As we step further into the digital age, employee monitoring has become an increasingly prevalent practice in businesses worldwide. 

With advancements in technology, employers have tools at their disposal that, just a few years ago, seemed like science fiction. 

But as with any potent tool, the key lies in how it's used. In the realm of employee monitor software, the balance between productivity and privacy stands at the forefront of discussions.

What is Employee Monitoring?

Employee monitoring encompasses the techniques employers use to assess their employees' work behaviors. In past eras, this was primarily done through direct supervision or basic time logs. But modern technology has dramatically expanded these methods, allowing employers to gather intricate data, from application usage and online browsing patterns to time spent on tasks and peak productivity periods.

With these advanced tools, employers can gain invaluable insights into workflow patterns, team efficiencies, and even individual performance metrics. By analyzing such data, organizations can optimize work processes, boost team engagement, and identify areas of inefficiency.

However, this technological advancement is not without its challenges. While businesses have unprecedented access to data that can drive productivity, there's an ever-present risk of crossing the boundary into privacy invasion, making it imperative to strike a balance between genuine oversight and respecting employee autonomy.

How Does Employee Monitoring Software Work?

Employee monitoring software is a technologically advanced solution that provides employers with a comprehensive view of their employees' activities during work hours. These tools serve multiple purposes, from enhancing productivity to ensuring data security.

Key Features of Employee Monitoring Software:

Screen Recording

  • Functionality: Captures live snapshots or videos of an employee's computer screen.

  • Use Cases: Monitoring the progress of tasks, ensuring that sensitive information is not mishandled, training purposes, or reviewing work sequences for quality assurance.

  • Benefits: Real-time visibility into the tasks being performed, which can aid in troubleshooting, training, and process improvements.

Keystroke Logging

  • Functionality: Logs every key pressed on an individual's keyboard.

  • Use Cases: Monitoring data entry roles, ensuring accuracy in tasks, or detecting suspicious activities.

  • Concerns: It's one of the more controversial features due to the potential invasion of privacy, especially if personal communications are inadvertently captured. Employers must navigate this with care and clear policies.

App Usage Tracking

  • Functionality: Monitors and records the duration for which various applications are used on an employee's device.

  • Use Cases: Discovering which tools enhance productivity and which serve as distractions. Also helps in license management by identifying rarely used licensed software.

  • Benefits: Provides insights into an employee's work habits, helps in optimizing software licenses, and can be a basis for training recommendations.

While the capabilities of employee monitoring software are vast and can bring about significant operational benefits, it's essential to implement them responsibly. Ensuring transparency with employees about what is being monitored, why, and how the data will be used is crucial to maintaining trust and adhering to ethical and legal standards.

Is Employee Monitoring Legal?

The concept of employee monitoring sits at the intersection of workplace efficiency and individual privacy, leading to varied legal standards worldwide.

Jurisdictional Differences

Employee monitoring laws are not universally consistent. Different countries and regions have established laws based on their cultural values, historical precedents, and societal priorities. For instance, European countries operating under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) have stringent rules about personal data collection and processing, which directly impact employee monitoring practices.

Company Property vs. Personal Property

In most jurisdictions, employers have a legal standing to monitor the activities that transpire on devices and networks they own. This is rooted in the notion that employers should ensure that company resources are being used effectively and ethically. If an employee is using a company computer, the expectation of privacy may be diminished, but not entirely eradicated.

The Obligation to Inform

It's a common requirement worldwide for employers to inform employees if and how they are being monitored. Transparent communication is crucial. This might be done through employment contracts, company handbooks, or specific monitoring policy documents. Employees should be aware of what's being monitored, the tools used, the data's retention period, and the purpose behind such monitoring.

Blurred Lines with Personal Devices

The advent of 'Bring Your Own Device' (BYOD) policies in workplaces complicates matters. When personal and work activities converge on a single device, delineating professional from personal becomes challenging. For instance, is it appropriate for employers to access personal photos, emails, or messages on a device also used for work? These ambiguities can lead to significant ethical and legal quandaries.

Ethical Considerations

Even if certain monitoring practices are legal, they might not always be ethical. Reading an employee's personal email, even if it's on a company device, might be seen as intrusive and could erode trust within the organization. Businesses must weigh the benefits of monitoring against potential morale and trust issues.

While the legal landscape provides a framework for employee monitoring, companies must also consider ethical implications and the potential impact on their corporate culture. Employers are encouraged to consult with legal experts within their specific jurisdictions to ensure their monitoring practices are both lawful and respectful of employee rights.

How Much Monitoring of Employee Activities at Work is Appropriate?

The ability to monitor employee activities has magnified, but so have concerns about privacy and trust. Drawing a clear line between useful oversight and over-surveillance is pivotal for businesses aiming for a harmonious, productive environment.

The Purpose Behind Monitoring

The primary factor that determines the appropriateness of monitoring is its intent. If the goal is to foster a better understanding of workflows, identify bottlenecks, or ensure data security, then monitoring can be seen as constructive. However, if the sole intent is to catch employees out or micromanage, it's more likely to be perceived negatively.

Psychological Impacts

While technology makes monitoring easy, the psychological toll shouldn't be underestimated. Continual surveillance can create a pressurized environment. Employees might feel they are under constant scrutiny, which could stifle creativity, induce stress, and lead to burnout. Rather than enhancing productivity, over-monitoring might, paradoxically, hamper it.

Trust and Morale

A key cornerstone of any successful organization is the mutual trust between employees and management. If staff feel their every move is being watched and analyzed, it can suggest a lack of trust from their superiors. This sentiment can affect team cohesion, loyalty to the company, and overall job satisfaction.

Transparent Communication

One of the most effective ways to mitigate the potential downsides of monitoring is through open communication. By being transparent about what is being tracked, how the information is used, and its relevance to business objectives, employers can alleviate many concerns employees might have. Moreover, giving employees access to their own data can be empowering, allowing them to self-reflect on their performance.

Constructive vs. Punitive Approaches

Data gathered through monitoring should ideally be used to provide employees with constructive feedback, help in personal development, and identify areas for training or process improvement. If the monitoring results are continually used to reprimand or punish, it can create an atmosphere of fear, which is detrimental to both the individual and the organization.

Regular Assessments

As businesses evolve, so too should their monitoring practices. Regularly revisiting and assessing these strategies ensures they stay relevant and in tune with both the company's objectives and the well-being of its employees.

While monitoring can provide invaluable insights into business operations, it's the human-centric approach to its implementation and interpretation that determines its success. Businesses must weigh technological capabilities against human needs, ensuring that the pursuit of efficiency doesn't compromise the foundational values of trust and respect.

Does Employee Monitoring Increase Productivity?

Employee monitoring has been a contentious topic in the world of business, with opinions varying about its efficacy in enhancing productivity. Recent data suggests that employee monitoring software can ramp up productivity by an impressive 46%. However, as with many tools and strategies, its success depends not just on its existence, but also on its execution.

When implemented correctly, monitoring can have several benefits:

  • Accountability and Focus: Aware that their work is being observed, employees might be more diligent, minimizing personal browsing or other off-task behaviors. This awareness can naturally drive a surge in focus and output.

  • Feedback and Training: Monitoring tools can provide tangible data that managers can use to give constructive feedback. If an employee spends too much time on a particular task, it could highlight areas where they need additional training or resources.

  • Streamlined Workflows: With the right tools, it's easier to identify bottlenecks or inefficient processes. This can lead to more streamlined operations and reduced wasted time.

Insightful’s Modern Employee Monitoring Software

In the evolving landscape of business, employee monitoring remains a hot-button issue. Despite the debate, recent data is illuminating: tools like those offered by Insightful’s employee monitoring and hour tracker app can spearhead a substantial productivity increase. However, the tool's true merit isn't just in its capability, but in its application.

Insightful's real-time monitoring ensures employees remain accountable and focused. The continuous observation ensures a heightened sense of diligence among staff, naturally curbing distractions like casual web browsing and, in turn, bolstering overall output. 

The benefits of Insightful don't stop at mere observation. The data-driven insights it provides empower managers to offer precise, actionable feedback grounded in actual performance metrics. By pinpointing tasks where an employee might be spending excess time, Insightful flags areas ripe for additional training or resource allocation. This targeted feedback, as opposed to generic commentary, nurtures personal growth and fosters a conducive environment for employee development.

Furthermore, Insightful stands out in workflow optimization. Its advanced analytics swiftly identify bottlenecks, offering real-time solutions for operational inefficiencies. By meticulously analyzing task patterns and durations, it highlights processes that might be inadvertently slowing down productivity. Equipped with this knowledge, companies can strategically streamline their operations, ensuring smoother workflows and minimizing wasted time. 

In a nutshell, Insightful offers far more than mere monitoring. It’s a comprehensive tool that provides an in-depth view of employee activities, arming managers with the insights needed to enhance growth, efficiency, and overall business performance.