Workpuls Teramind ActivTrak Hubstaff DeskTime Time Doctor RescueTime Kickidler Veriato Work Examiner
Price $6/user/month $6/user/month $7.20/user/month $7/user/month $7/user/month $9.99/user/month $6/user/month $9.99/user/month $150/licence/year $60/licence (lifetime)
Free trial 7 days 7 days No 14 days 14 days 14 days 30 days 7 days Yes 30 days
Ease of use Very easy Difficult Very easy Easy Easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very difficult Easy
Unlimited (tracker working 24/7)
Fixed (defined working hours)
Automatic (when computer is connected to a specified network)
Manual (start/stop)
Project based (track time only on projects)
Stealth mode
App and website usage
Real-time monitoring
Offline time tracking
Activity levels
Remote desktop control
Website/activity blocking
Screenshots on demand
Screen recording
Productivity trends
Websites and apps labeling
Category labeling
Productivity alerts
User behavior analytics
Data loss prevention
Advanced file and web monitoring
Productivity reports
Team reports
Email reports
Access management
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
Mobile app iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android Android
Browser extension Chrome Chrome Chrome
Other Citrix, VMware Chrome OS
Support Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Email, online Phone, email, online, in-person Online Phone, email, online Email, online, Viber, Whatsapp Phone, email, online, support ticket Phone, email, online
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Integrations comming soon
Deployment cloud, on-premise cloud, on-premise, AWS, Azure cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud on-premise cloud, on-premise on-premise
Kronos Humanity Timeclockplus Tsheets Wheniwork Deputy Replicon Jibble EbilityTimeTracker OnTheClock BeeBole
Price(per month)Available upon requestFrom $2 per userAvailable upon requestFrom $6.40 per user+$16Free for up to 75 usersFrom $2.50 per userBasic plan:$30 for 5 users+$5 per additional userFrom $1.50 per employeeFrom $4 per user+$8From $2.20 per user$5.99 per user per month
Free trial30 days14 daysYes14 days14 days14 days30 days30 days,no credit card required
Ease of useDifficultEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyEasy
Timecard management
Shift Trading
Break time management
Real-time tracking
PTO Management
Client billing
GPS tracking
Clock out reminders
Manual time
Web app
Mobile app
Time clock device
Time clock kiosk
Facial recognition
Fingerprint scanning
Group punch-in
Visual reports
Email reports
Time rounding
Manager approvals
Add time for others
Android app
iOS app
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
SupportPhone and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,chat and onlinePhone and chatEmail and onlineChat and phonePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlineOnline chat and video support in English,French,and Spanish
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Community forum

The professional realm is experiencing a pivotal shift with remote and hybrid work models becoming the norm. Cutting-edge technology and innovative tools have revolutionized the way we connect, collaborate, and find fulfillment in our jobs.

In this blog post, we'll check out how innovation is making our lives better, creating opportunities, saving the planet, and shaping the future of remote and hybrid work. 

Plus, we'll share some actionable steps for employers and employees to make the most of these innovations for maximal wfh and wfo workforce optimization

Improved Employee Well-being in Remote & Hybrid Work

Virtual Team-building Activities and Social Tools

In remote work settings, virtual team-building activities and the use of social tools play a crucial role in maintaining team cohesion and morale. It's essential for employers to integrate regular, scheduled online social events that foster a sense of community and teamwork among employees who may be spread across different locations.

These virtual gatherings can range from structured activities that promote collaboration and idea-sharing to more relaxed, informal sessions where team members can socialize and enjoy each other's company. For instance, setting up a monthly virtual game night or an online happy hour can provide employees with an opportunity to connect on a personal level, encouraging stronger bonds and a more unified team.

Employers can use these sessions not only as a way to break the monotony of work but also as a platform for employees to engage in creative problem-solving in a casual setting. Encouraging the use of chat platforms for daily conversations also keeps the lines of communication open, ensuring that team members feel connected and engaged with their colleagues and the wider organization.

Mental Health Apps & Resources

Mental health applications serve as valuable resources for remote workers seeking support and methods to alleviate stress. Forward-thinking employers can consider including subscriptions to such apps within their benefits packages, demonstrating a commitment to their employees' well-being. These tools provide workers with a means to maintain and enhance their mental health, crucial for their overall productivity and job satisfaction.

For employees, these apps can be an integral part of their wellness routine. Utilizing features like guided meditation, stress management exercises, and cognitive behavioral therapy can help in fostering a more balanced mental state.

A practical suggestion for both employers and employees is to explore mindfulness applications that offer daily meditation practices, which can be instrumental in reducing stress and improving focus and mental clarity.

Ergonomic & Adaptive Home Office Solutions

Ergonomic and adaptive solutions for home offices are key to ensuring comfort and sustaining productivity for remote workers. Employers can support their workforce by offering stipends or allowances for ergonomic equipment. This gesture helps employees create a work environment that is conducive to long-term health and efficiency.

Employees, in turn, should consider allocating these funds towards adjustable desks, supportive chairs, and other ergonomic tools that promote good posture and minimize the risk of strain or injury.

A helpful tip for setting up a home office is to prioritize ergonomics—arrange your workspace to support a neutral body position and reduce the potential for discomfort. This investment in a well-designed workspace can pay dividends in terms of both well-being and work output.

Balancing Work-Life Integration with Innovative Tools & Strategies

Innovative tools and strategies are essential for remote workers to achieve a harmonious balance between their professional and personal lives. Employers play a pivotal role by promoting flexible work schedules, which can help employees manage their time more effectively and reduce burnout. Employees, on their part, can utilize time management applications to structure their days, ensuring that work commitments are met without encroaching on personal time.

A practical tip for maintaining this balance is to meticulously plan your day using a time management app. This approach helps delineate clear boundaries between work responsibilities and personal activities, fostering an equilibrium that is beneficial for overall well-being and job satisfaction.

Opening Doors in Remote & Hybrid Work

Access to Global Talent Pools

Remote work has expanded the horizons for finding and hiring top talent, unbound by geographical limitations. Employers now have the opportunity to enhance their teams by searching globally and embracing remote hiring practices. This approach not only diversifies their workforce but also brings in fresh perspectives and skills from different parts of the world.

For job seekers, this shift has opened up a world of possibilities, allowing them to pursue opportunities far beyond their local job markets.

A useful tip for both employers and prospective employees is to utilize online job platforms that specialize in remote opportunities, connecting companies with a vast array of qualified candidates and providing job seekers with access to a broader spectrum of career options.

Reducing Geographical Barriers & Enhancing Diversity

Remote work eliminates geographical constraints, paving the way for a more varied and diverse workforce. Employers are encouraged to adopt inclusive hiring practices to capitalize on the wide range of experiences and perspectives that a diverse team can offer. Employees benefit from collaborating with peers from different cultures and backgrounds, enriching their professional experience.

As a tip for fostering an inclusive workplace, companies should consider implementing diversity and inclusion training programs. These initiatives can enhance team cohesion and ensure that all employees feel valued and understood within their work environment.

Virtual Internships & Training Programs

Online internships and training programs facilitate the acquisition of new skills from any location, offering flexibility and convenience. Employers are advised to provide virtual learning opportunities, enabling their workforce to continue their professional development remotely. Employees should take advantage of these programs to expand their expertise and advance their careers.

A practical piece of advice is to enroll in online courses that align with your career goals. This proactive approach to learning can lead to new competencies and potentially open doors to future opportunities.

Opportunities for Differently-Abled Individuals

Remote work provides increased opportunities for differently-abled individuals, contributing to the creation of an inclusive work culture. Employers are encouraged to make job listings and workplace policies accessible, fostering an environment where a diverse range of candidates can thrive. Employees, in turn, have access to a wider array of resources designed to support their individual needs.

A constructive approach for employers is to conduct thorough reviews of their company's website and job postings to ensure they are accessible to all potential applicants, regardless of ability. This not only enhances inclusivity but also expands the company's access to a diverse pool of talent.

Helping the Planet via Remote & Hybrid Work

Reduced Carbon Footprint

Remote work contributes to environmental sustainability by reducing the need for daily commuting and lowering the energy consumption associated with traditional office spaces. Employers can embrace hybrid work models as a compromise between fully remote and in-office setups, which can further lessen the environmental impact. Employees can take pride in the eco-friendly advantages of working from home.

An actionable tip is to measure the reduction in your carbon footprint resulting from remote work, which can be a motivating factor and an insightful reflection of the positive environmental impact of such work arrangements.

Promoting a Paperless Work Environment

The adoption of digital tools enables companies to operate without paper, which conserves resources and creates a cleaner, more sustainable workspace. Employers are encouraged to invest in digital technologies that facilitate this transition. Employees are urged to actively reduce their reliance on paper.

A practical step toward achieving a paperless environment is to adopt cloud storage solutions and e-signature platforms, which can significantly cut down on physical document use.

Virtual Conferences & Events

Virtual conferences and events serve as environmentally responsible alternatives to traditional, in-person meetings. Employers have the option to either host or participate in such online gatherings, enabling their teams to engage with wider audiences without the environmental cost of travel. Employees can take part in these events, benefiting from the convenience and the reduced ecological impact.

For those looking to expand professional knowledge or team cohesion, consider organizing a virtual conference for your team or attending relevant webinars within your industry.

Green Technology Solutions

Incorporating green technology is a strategic move to enhance the eco-friendliness of remote workspaces. Employers can motivate their workforce by providing incentives for the use of sustainable technologies. Meanwhile, employees have the opportunity to contribute positively by choosing energy-efficient devices and opting for solar-powered equipment in their home offices.

A useful tip for both employers and employees is to transition to energy-efficient gadgets, which can reduce electricity consumption and contribute to a lower carbon footprint for the company as a whole.

Innovation Challenges in Remote & Hybrid Work

Digital Divide & Unequal Access to Resources

The digital divide highlights the unequal access to technology and resources, which can be a barrier to effective remote work. To address this, employers are responsible for equipping their staff with the necessary tools to perform their duties efficiently from any location. Employees can contribute to narrowing this gap by exchanging resources and expertise.

An actionable recommendation for companies is to establish a program that offers technical support and resources to employees who might otherwise face challenges due to the digital divide. This initiative not only promotes fairness but also ensures that all team members can be equally productive and connected.

Online Security Risks & Cyber Threats

The transition to remote work can escalate the potential for online security risks and exposure to cyber threats. It's imperative for employers to allocate resources to cybersecurity defenses and to educate their workforce on safeguarding practices. Employees should remain vigilant and informed about online safety protocols.

A direct course of action for organizations is to hold frequent cybersecurity training sessions, ensuring that their teams are well-versed in recognizing and mitigating risks, fortifying the company's digital security posture.

Over-reliance on Technology & Potential for Burnout

An excessive dependency on technology can be a precursor to burnout among remote workers. Employers must advocate for healthy work-life boundaries and encourage practices that prevent digital fatigue. Employees should be proactive in managing their screen time, ensuring they take regular breaks and establish personal limits to their technology use.

A practical approach is to integrate scheduled periods throughout the day where screens are set aside, allowing for mental rejuvenation and maintenance of overall well-being.

Preserving Company Culture & Team Cohesion

Upholding a robust company culture poses challenges in a remote setting. It is crucial for employers to place emphasis on team-building initiatives and foster transparent communication channels. Employees, for their part, should make concerted efforts to interact with their peers to reinforce team bonds.

To keep the team aligned with the company's mission and values, consider organizing virtual town hall meetings as a venue for open dialogue and reaffirmation of collective objectives.

Optimizing Remote & Hybrid Work with Employee Monitoring Tools 

Innovative tools like Insightful's software to monitor work from home employees are enhancing remote work by improving productivity and collaboration. It provides real-time data on team activity, helping to manage workloads and maintain productivity. 

You may be wondering - do employee tracking devices improve employee work productivity for real? The answer is yes! In fact, Insightful saves businesses 24% on unproductive time on average.


By providing valuable insights into time management, work habits, and progress on tasks, while offering tools to streamline project management and reporting. 

Have privacy concerns about tracking and monitoring? Rest assured that Insightful also prioritizes employee privacy with customizable monitoring settings, ensuring a healthy balance between tracking and respecting personal boundaries.

The platform also encourages effective team-building through engagement analytics and supports well-being initiatives with usage data for mental health and ergonomic tools.

Employers benefit from flexible scheduling insights, while employees can better balance their work and personal life. Moreover, its insider threat detection ensures robust security against cyber risks.

Ultimately, Insightful is an integral tool for maintaining company culture in a remote setting, helping to connect teams and align them with company objectives in an increasingly digital workplace.

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Remote Work Management

Building a Better Future of Work: The Role of Innovation in Remote and Hybrid Environments

Written by
Kendra Gaffin
Published on
November 7, 2023

The professional realm is experiencing a pivotal shift with remote and hybrid work models becoming the norm. Cutting-edge technology and innovative tools have revolutionized the way we connect, collaborate, and find fulfillment in our jobs.

In this blog post, we'll check out how innovation is making our lives better, creating opportunities, saving the planet, and shaping the future of remote and hybrid work. 

Plus, we'll share some actionable steps for employers and employees to make the most of these innovations for maximal wfh and wfo workforce optimization

Improved Employee Well-being in Remote & Hybrid Work

Virtual Team-building Activities and Social Tools

In remote work settings, virtual team-building activities and the use of social tools play a crucial role in maintaining team cohesion and morale. It's essential for employers to integrate regular, scheduled online social events that foster a sense of community and teamwork among employees who may be spread across different locations.

These virtual gatherings can range from structured activities that promote collaboration and idea-sharing to more relaxed, informal sessions where team members can socialize and enjoy each other's company. For instance, setting up a monthly virtual game night or an online happy hour can provide employees with an opportunity to connect on a personal level, encouraging stronger bonds and a more unified team.

Employers can use these sessions not only as a way to break the monotony of work but also as a platform for employees to engage in creative problem-solving in a casual setting. Encouraging the use of chat platforms for daily conversations also keeps the lines of communication open, ensuring that team members feel connected and engaged with their colleagues and the wider organization.

Mental Health Apps & Resources

Mental health applications serve as valuable resources for remote workers seeking support and methods to alleviate stress. Forward-thinking employers can consider including subscriptions to such apps within their benefits packages, demonstrating a commitment to their employees' well-being. These tools provide workers with a means to maintain and enhance their mental health, crucial for their overall productivity and job satisfaction.

For employees, these apps can be an integral part of their wellness routine. Utilizing features like guided meditation, stress management exercises, and cognitive behavioral therapy can help in fostering a more balanced mental state.

A practical suggestion for both employers and employees is to explore mindfulness applications that offer daily meditation practices, which can be instrumental in reducing stress and improving focus and mental clarity.

Ergonomic & Adaptive Home Office Solutions

Ergonomic and adaptive solutions for home offices are key to ensuring comfort and sustaining productivity for remote workers. Employers can support their workforce by offering stipends or allowances for ergonomic equipment. This gesture helps employees create a work environment that is conducive to long-term health and efficiency.

Employees, in turn, should consider allocating these funds towards adjustable desks, supportive chairs, and other ergonomic tools that promote good posture and minimize the risk of strain or injury.

A helpful tip for setting up a home office is to prioritize ergonomics—arrange your workspace to support a neutral body position and reduce the potential for discomfort. This investment in a well-designed workspace can pay dividends in terms of both well-being and work output.

Balancing Work-Life Integration with Innovative Tools & Strategies

Innovative tools and strategies are essential for remote workers to achieve a harmonious balance between their professional and personal lives. Employers play a pivotal role by promoting flexible work schedules, which can help employees manage their time more effectively and reduce burnout. Employees, on their part, can utilize time management applications to structure their days, ensuring that work commitments are met without encroaching on personal time.

A practical tip for maintaining this balance is to meticulously plan your day using a time management app. This approach helps delineate clear boundaries between work responsibilities and personal activities, fostering an equilibrium that is beneficial for overall well-being and job satisfaction.

Opening Doors in Remote & Hybrid Work

Access to Global Talent Pools

Remote work has expanded the horizons for finding and hiring top talent, unbound by geographical limitations. Employers now have the opportunity to enhance their teams by searching globally and embracing remote hiring practices. This approach not only diversifies their workforce but also brings in fresh perspectives and skills from different parts of the world.

For job seekers, this shift has opened up a world of possibilities, allowing them to pursue opportunities far beyond their local job markets.

A useful tip for both employers and prospective employees is to utilize online job platforms that specialize in remote opportunities, connecting companies with a vast array of qualified candidates and providing job seekers with access to a broader spectrum of career options.

Reducing Geographical Barriers & Enhancing Diversity

Remote work eliminates geographical constraints, paving the way for a more varied and diverse workforce. Employers are encouraged to adopt inclusive hiring practices to capitalize on the wide range of experiences and perspectives that a diverse team can offer. Employees benefit from collaborating with peers from different cultures and backgrounds, enriching their professional experience.

As a tip for fostering an inclusive workplace, companies should consider implementing diversity and inclusion training programs. These initiatives can enhance team cohesion and ensure that all employees feel valued and understood within their work environment.

Virtual Internships & Training Programs

Online internships and training programs facilitate the acquisition of new skills from any location, offering flexibility and convenience. Employers are advised to provide virtual learning opportunities, enabling their workforce to continue their professional development remotely. Employees should take advantage of these programs to expand their expertise and advance their careers.

A practical piece of advice is to enroll in online courses that align with your career goals. This proactive approach to learning can lead to new competencies and potentially open doors to future opportunities.

Opportunities for Differently-Abled Individuals

Remote work provides increased opportunities for differently-abled individuals, contributing to the creation of an inclusive work culture. Employers are encouraged to make job listings and workplace policies accessible, fostering an environment where a diverse range of candidates can thrive. Employees, in turn, have access to a wider array of resources designed to support their individual needs.

A constructive approach for employers is to conduct thorough reviews of their company's website and job postings to ensure they are accessible to all potential applicants, regardless of ability. This not only enhances inclusivity but also expands the company's access to a diverse pool of talent.

Helping the Planet via Remote & Hybrid Work

Reduced Carbon Footprint

Remote work contributes to environmental sustainability by reducing the need for daily commuting and lowering the energy consumption associated with traditional office spaces. Employers can embrace hybrid work models as a compromise between fully remote and in-office setups, which can further lessen the environmental impact. Employees can take pride in the eco-friendly advantages of working from home.

An actionable tip is to measure the reduction in your carbon footprint resulting from remote work, which can be a motivating factor and an insightful reflection of the positive environmental impact of such work arrangements.

Promoting a Paperless Work Environment

The adoption of digital tools enables companies to operate without paper, which conserves resources and creates a cleaner, more sustainable workspace. Employers are encouraged to invest in digital technologies that facilitate this transition. Employees are urged to actively reduce their reliance on paper.

A practical step toward achieving a paperless environment is to adopt cloud storage solutions and e-signature platforms, which can significantly cut down on physical document use.

Virtual Conferences & Events

Virtual conferences and events serve as environmentally responsible alternatives to traditional, in-person meetings. Employers have the option to either host or participate in such online gatherings, enabling their teams to engage with wider audiences without the environmental cost of travel. Employees can take part in these events, benefiting from the convenience and the reduced ecological impact.

For those looking to expand professional knowledge or team cohesion, consider organizing a virtual conference for your team or attending relevant webinars within your industry.

Green Technology Solutions

Incorporating green technology is a strategic move to enhance the eco-friendliness of remote workspaces. Employers can motivate their workforce by providing incentives for the use of sustainable technologies. Meanwhile, employees have the opportunity to contribute positively by choosing energy-efficient devices and opting for solar-powered equipment in their home offices.

A useful tip for both employers and employees is to transition to energy-efficient gadgets, which can reduce electricity consumption and contribute to a lower carbon footprint for the company as a whole.

Innovation Challenges in Remote & Hybrid Work

Digital Divide & Unequal Access to Resources

The digital divide highlights the unequal access to technology and resources, which can be a barrier to effective remote work. To address this, employers are responsible for equipping their staff with the necessary tools to perform their duties efficiently from any location. Employees can contribute to narrowing this gap by exchanging resources and expertise.

An actionable recommendation for companies is to establish a program that offers technical support and resources to employees who might otherwise face challenges due to the digital divide. This initiative not only promotes fairness but also ensures that all team members can be equally productive and connected.

Online Security Risks & Cyber Threats

The transition to remote work can escalate the potential for online security risks and exposure to cyber threats. It's imperative for employers to allocate resources to cybersecurity defenses and to educate their workforce on safeguarding practices. Employees should remain vigilant and informed about online safety protocols.

A direct course of action for organizations is to hold frequent cybersecurity training sessions, ensuring that their teams are well-versed in recognizing and mitigating risks, fortifying the company's digital security posture.

Over-reliance on Technology & Potential for Burnout

An excessive dependency on technology can be a precursor to burnout among remote workers. Employers must advocate for healthy work-life boundaries and encourage practices that prevent digital fatigue. Employees should be proactive in managing their screen time, ensuring they take regular breaks and establish personal limits to their technology use.

A practical approach is to integrate scheduled periods throughout the day where screens are set aside, allowing for mental rejuvenation and maintenance of overall well-being.

Preserving Company Culture & Team Cohesion

Upholding a robust company culture poses challenges in a remote setting. It is crucial for employers to place emphasis on team-building initiatives and foster transparent communication channels. Employees, for their part, should make concerted efforts to interact with their peers to reinforce team bonds.

To keep the team aligned with the company's mission and values, consider organizing virtual town hall meetings as a venue for open dialogue and reaffirmation of collective objectives.

Optimizing Remote & Hybrid Work with Employee Monitoring Tools 

Innovative tools like Insightful's software to monitor work from home employees are enhancing remote work by improving productivity and collaboration. It provides real-time data on team activity, helping to manage workloads and maintain productivity. 

You may be wondering - do employee tracking devices improve employee work productivity for real? The answer is yes! In fact, Insightful saves businesses 24% on unproductive time on average.


By providing valuable insights into time management, work habits, and progress on tasks, while offering tools to streamline project management and reporting. 

Have privacy concerns about tracking and monitoring? Rest assured that Insightful also prioritizes employee privacy with customizable monitoring settings, ensuring a healthy balance between tracking and respecting personal boundaries.

The platform also encourages effective team-building through engagement analytics and supports well-being initiatives with usage data for mental health and ergonomic tools.

Employers benefit from flexible scheduling insights, while employees can better balance their work and personal life. Moreover, its insider threat detection ensures robust security against cyber risks.

Ultimately, Insightful is an integral tool for maintaining company culture in a remote setting, helping to connect teams and align them with company objectives in an increasingly digital workplace.